
  • 网络steam quality;quality of steam
  1. 提高蒸汽质量、节约蒸汽、冷凝水的回收再利用是纺织印染行业一项重要的任务,是企业内部节能、降耗、减污,降低能源成本的当务之急。

    Improving steam quality , reducing steam consumption and recycling condensed water are important tasks for textile printing and dyeing industry and they are also important means for enterprises to reduce energy cost and pollution .

  2. B组有36次失败,其中4次为设备故障,1次为蒸汽质量问题,31次为人为因素所致;

    Group B had failed 36 times , among which , 4 times were caused by the equipment , one was by the steam and the left 31 times were by operators .

  3. 根据数学模型确定压差、输出转矩受工质蒸汽质量流量的影响,并设计流量控制器PID。

    According to the mathematical model to determine the pressure difference , the output torque by refrigerant vapor mass flow , and design the flow controller PID .

  4. 结果A组有5次失败,均为设备故障和蒸汽质量问题;

    RESULTS Group A had failed 5 times , which were all caused by equipment or steam issues .

  5. 核能海水淡化源蒸汽质量流量的测量与新的密度补偿式

    Measurement for mass flow of low pressure saturated steam in nuclear seawater desalination and a new density compensation formula

  6. 获得了涡流室中典型截面的油滴运动轨迹和燃料蒸汽质量分数以及温度场的分布图。

    The distribution of fuel droplet motion locus , fuel isoconcentraion contours and temperature field in the typical sections of the swirl chamber is plotted .

  7. 并对连续方程和能量方程进行求解,获得了混合管内过热蒸汽质量流量和过热度的变化图。

    Through solving continuity equation and energy equations , the mass flow and the degree of superheat changing map in the mixing duct are obtained .

  8. 给出了一个用于低压饱和蒸汽质量流量测量的变系数密度补偿式和该补偿式的特色。

    It also gives out a variable coefficient density compensation formula used for measurement of mass flow of the low pressure saturated steam , and the features of this formula .

  9. 本文建立了吸附式制冷基本循环和连续回热循环的热力模型,研究和发展了有蒸汽质量迁移的新型回热循环。

    In this article , detailed thermodynamic analyses of basic adsorption refrigeration cycle and regenerative adsorption refrigeration cycle is presented , an advanced adsorption cycle with internal vapour and heat recovery is developed .

  10. 用它计算了沿水平井井管射孔流出的两边相蒸汽质量流量、温度、压力、干度的分布。

    It can calculate the distribution of the mass flow rate , the pressure , the temperature , the quality of two-phase steam from the holes along the axial direction of horizontal well .

  11. 在用DXS-302流量积算器测量饱和水蒸汽的质量流量时,由于饱和水蒸汽的密度与压力不成线性关系,因此采用了法定计量单位条件下的经验公式进行计算。

    In measuring mass flow of saturated steam by using DXS-302 flow integrating meters , because the relationship between the density of saturated steam with its pressure isn 't linear , experiential formulas calculation of legal measurement unit has been adopted .

  12. 微生物实验室压力蒸汽灭菌质量控制

    Quality control of microbiological laboratory ′ s pressure steam sterilization

  13. 核电站蒸汽发生器质量监督

    Quality Supervision on Steam Generator of Nuclear Power Plant

  14. 低温等离子灭菌器用于眼科手术器械灭菌方法的探讨压力蒸汽灭菌器质量认证的监测方法

    Low Temperature Plasma Sterilizer for Ophthalmic Surgical Instruments Sterilization Qualification Monitoring Techniques and Methods of Steam Sterilizer

  15. 计算结果给出了圆管内离心喷嘴逆喷的三种工况下的液滴运动轨迹,气相速度场、温度场、蒸汽的质量分数分布等。

    The droplet trajectories , gas velocity and temperature distribution , mass fraction of the fuel vapor were obtained from the simulation in three different conditions .

  16. 制药用水和蒸汽的质量不仅是调控观点的关键,在经济观点上也是如此。

    The quality of Pharmaceutical Water and Steam is not only critical from a regulatory point of view , but also from a financial point of view .

  17. 要注意保证灭菌所用的蒸汽的质量,保证其包含物不会污染产品或设备。

    Care should be taken to ensure that steam used for sterilisation is of suitable quality and does not contain additives at a level which could cause contamination of product or equipment .

  18. 中压蒸汽管道焊接质量统计分析及建议

    Statistic Analysis of Welding Quality of Medium Pressure Steam Piping and Proposals

  19. 水蒸汽二相流质量连续检测的研究

    Research on Continuous Quality Detecting for Two Phase Flow of Water Vapor

  20. 火电厂主蒸汽管道焊缝质量概述

    A Review of the Quality of Welding Seams in Power Station Main Steam Piping

  21. 紧压圆形导体缺陷对蒸汽交联电缆质量的影响

    Affection of defects on the round compacted conductors on the quality of steam cured cables

  22. 结果表明本系统能够基本消除扰动对水位的影响,同时提高了蒸汽产量和质量,对节约生产成本、提高经济效益都具有重要意义。

    The results show that the system can eliminate the disturbance of the basic level , at the same time increased the yield and quality of steam , saving on production costs , enhance economic efficiency are of great significance .

  23. 蒸汽品质对酒精质量的影响

    The influence of steam quality upon molasses alcohol production

  24. 汽轮机主蒸汽管道的焊接质量控制及检测

    Jointing quality control and examination of leading steamer pipeline

  25. 改善蒸汽品质提高酒精质量的方法:减少或不用制糖回水来生产蒸汽;

    The article gives us a method to improve the quality of steam ;

  26. GB/T12145-1999火力发电机组及蒸汽动力设备水汽质量

    Quality criterion of water and steam for generating unit and steam power equipment

  27. GB/T4063-1983蒸汽机车用煤质量

    Specification of coals for steam locomotive

  28. 稠油热采多分支井蒸汽分配计算模型质量分配计算用牵引座前置距

    The calculation model of steam distribution for thermal recovery of heavy oil reservoirs using multilateral wells

  29. 铁基粉末冶金配流盘蒸汽处理表面发红质量问题分析

    Analysis of the Quality Problem of Iron-based Powder Metallurgy Thrust Plate the Surface of Red on Steam Treating

  30. 列出了描述蒸汽发生器模型的质量、能量守恒方程以及流量方程和传热方程。

    The mass conservation equation , energy conservation equation , flow equation and heat transfer equation are described in this paper .