
  • 网络steaming;vapor deposition
  1. HPLC法考察蒸法和常规炮制法对白芍中芍药苷含量的影响

    Study on Effect of Steaming Methed and Routine Processing Medicinal Herb Method on the Content Paeoniflorin in Radix Paeoniae Alba by HPLC

  2. 结论:蒸法可作为一种优良的炮制方法应用。

    Conclusion : Steaming processing can be applied as a superior method .

  3. 在涤棉混纺织物用分散与活性染料一浴湿短蒸法染色工艺探讨中,选用低温耐碱性分散染料配合高温K型活性染料进行单因素分析试验。

    Experiments and results of one-bath wet rapid-steaming dyeing of T / C fabric with disperse and reactive dyes are discussed .

  4. 方法:分别采用冷浸法、蒸法和煮法三种加工方法,并用HPLC法测定其有效成分含量。

    Methods : Watering , cooking and steaming method were adopted and the contents of flavonoids was determined by HPLC .

  5. 在熔融态加入不同比例的高炉渣,结合SEM分析了熔融反应后产物的结构,采用压蒸法测定并分析对比了熔融反应前后转炉渣安定性的变化。

    The microstructures of the slag product are analyzed with SEM method , meanwhile the stability of BOF slag before and after the reaction are measured and compared with steam test method .

  6. 再谈1h促凝压蒸法测强对预拌混凝土质量的早期控制

    Again discussed 1h presses to congeal the pressure to steam the law to measure strongly to in advance mixes the concrete quality the early control

  7. 利用三步共蒸法工艺在10cm×10cm玻璃衬底上生长出电池吸收层CuIn(0.7)Ga(0.3)Se2薄膜。

    The absorber layer CuIn_ ( 0.7 ) Ga_ ( 0.3 ) Se_2 films were deposited on a 10cm × 10cm substrate using a three-step co - evaporation process .

  8. 棉织物冷轧堆&汽蒸法前处理的研究

    A Study of the Pretreatment of Cotton Fabrics Using the Pad-Steam Process

  9. GB/T4469-1984还原染料还原速率测定法汽蒸法

    Test method for the reduction speed of vat dyes & Steam process

  10. 汽蒸法处理山毛榉锯材干燥工艺的研究

    Study on Muscovite Beech Lumber Drying Process with Steaming Treatment

  11. 盐蒸法炮制补骨脂的合理性

    Rationality of Preparing Fructus Psoraleae by Salt_ steaming Method

  12. 汽蒸法与明火炊饭法制作速食米饭风味的质谱检定

    Identification of flavour components in instant rice processed by steaming and boiling at fire

  13. 碱氧一浴汽蒸法前处理工艺探索

    An Exploration of One Bath Process of Alkali / Hydrogen Peroxide Pretreatment with Steaming

  14. 目的:为研究蒸法对中药材各成分的影响。

    Objective : To study the influence of steaming processing on components in Chinese medicine .

  15. 结果表明,在提取水溶性膳食纤维时,用湿蒸法最好。

    The result showed that it was best for extracting soluble dietary fiber by wet steaming .

  16. 结论可以用蒸法代替煮法进行产地加工,或二者并行。

    Conclusion The cooking method can be used insteaded of streaming method , or both together .

  17. 方法制首乌样品制备分别采用传统笼屉蒸法和流通蒸汽锅蒸法,并设定不同的蒸制时间。

    Methods Drugs were processed by traditional bamboo utensil for steaming or circulation steamer for different hours .

  18. 涤棉混纺织物用分散与活性染料一浴湿短蒸法染色工艺初探

    Preliminary Study on One-Bath Wet Rapid-Steaming Dyeing Process of T / C Fabric with Disperse and Reactive Dyes

  19. 新采集的薤白经蒸法加工其腺苷含量高于煮法。

    The content of adenosine in steamed bulb of Allium macrostemon Bunge was higher than that of the boiled ones .

  20. 多指标综合评价优选木瓜润法和蒸法软化的炮制工艺

    Optimization of Processing Technics of Fructus Chaenomelis Softened by Methods of Moistening and Steaming by Evaluation Synthetically with Several Markers

  21. 本文介绍用促凝压蒸法0.5小时推定混凝土强度的试验方法和应用,以及用于路面混凝土配合比选择中推定抗折强度的研究结果。

    In this paper , the experiments on the method of estimating 0.5h strength of concrete by accelerated autoclaving are presented .

  22. 通过对比性试验和研究,提出用汽蒸法替代蒸煮法处理俄罗斯产进口山毛榉的新工艺。

    A new drying process with steaming treatment was lodged to substitute for a cooking method , and used to dry Muscovite beech lumber .

  23. 汽蒸法能使白度显著提高,对强力没有影响,还能一定程度上提高抗皱性能。

    It can not only improve the whiteness of fabric obviously , but also increase the crease-resistant performance , and have no affect on strength .

  24. 结果可以用蒸法、煮法进行产地加工,但是水煮时必须控制水温不低于80℃。

    Results The steaming or cooking method was used to process Radix Paeoniae Alba and temperature of water must be highter than 80 ℃ for cooking .

  25. 方法通过冲刷法去杂质,改良重蒸法加以炮制,严格控制蒸、焖以及烘烤的时间和温度,并对炮制过程中重量、颜色、品味的变化过程进行记录和对比。

    MethodsRushing and reforming repeating cook were applied to control the time and temperature of cook and raising and baking strictly , while record and compare its weight , colors and taste .

  26. 从德鲁德理论出发,对多元共蒸法镀制的非均匀膜的折射率分布与沉积速率的关系进行了探讨;

    On the basis of Drude theory , the relationship of refractive index and the deposition rate , which were changeable in the course of deposition of inhomogeneous coatings , was discussed firstly .

  27. 酒精要符合国家食用标准,并采用净化介质法、活性炭法、高锰酸钾法、复蒸法处理。

    The selection of alcohol should be in accord with national edible standards and be managed by medium purification method , active carbon optimization method , potassium permanganate method and repeated steaming method .

  28. 分别用岩相法、压蒸法、砂浆长度法和砂浆棒快速法等四种检验方法对五种骨料进行了碱活性检验。

    Main contents and conclusions of the thesis are as follows : The alkali reactivity of five types of aggregates was examined by Petrographic Method , Chinese Autoclaving Method , Mortar-bar Method and Accelerating Mortar-bar Method .

  29. 介绍了无捻纱提花割绒毛巾的关键工艺&汽蒸法,通过对两种汽蒸法的比较,得出喷汽法优于充汽法的结论。

    It introduced the key technology of twistless yarn jacquard velvet pile towel-steam method , through compared two kinds of steam methods , it came to a conclusion that spurting steam technology was better than filling steam technology .

  30. 通过水热软化处理实验对汽蒸法和水煮法两种软化方法的实验结果进行比较,表明汽蒸软化处理方法在试件外观与材性方面优于水煮软化处理方法;

    By heat-water softening experiment , based on comparison of two heat-water softening method , including water-boiling and steaming , the conclusion can be drawn : steaming method is superior to water-boiling method on the appearance and property of the compressed timber .