
  • 网络post-purchase evaluation;Post purchase Evaluation
  1. 顾客价值对冲动购买的作用机制包括两个方面:其一,顾客价值决定了冲动性购买的购买决策;其二,顾客价值决定了冲动性购买的购后评价。

    The roles of customer value in the impulse purchase mechanisms include two aspects : First , the customer value determines the impulsive purchase decision ; Secondly , the customer value determines post-purchase evaluation after impulsive buying .

  2. 基于捆绑价格促销的冲动性购买购后评价作用研究

    Research on the Influence of Post-impulse Buying Evaluation Based on Price Bundling Promotion

  3. 认为顾客价值是决定冲动性购买的主要因素,冲动性购买者的购后评价也是基于购买前和购买后的顾客价值评价作出的。

    It presumed that custom value is the main factor of impulsive buying , and the succeeding evaluation is based on the customers ' value pre - and post-purchasing .

  4. 因此,大部分消费者对于境外服饰商品无论是设计与款式、质量还是流行性、价格,其购后评价总体上是满意的,只有小部分人群存有价格上的心理落差。

    Customers are satisfied with design and style , quality , epidemic and price of overseas garment accessories , a small group of people have some psychological gap of the prize after the purchase .

  5. 在冲动性购买行为的文献中,大部分都集中于研究冲动购买的影响因素,但是购后评价是完整的购买过程不可或缺的部分,它对消费者的购买行为存在重要影响。

    In all the study of the impulsive buying behaviors , most focus on the factors that affect the impulse to buy . However a complete evaluation of the process of buying is an integral part of its consumer buying , and it is very important .

  6. 本文的核心研究内容是以购后行为评价顾客满意度。

    Customer satisfaction evaluation based on the post - purchase behavior is the core aspect of this paper .