
  1. 《购售电合同》包括长期、中短期、临时和跨省跨区购售电合同。

    The Electricity Purchase Contracts include the long-term , medium and short-term , temporary , and cross-provincial as well as cross-regional electricity purchase contracts .

  2. 电网公司在进行购电交易时,既要考虑各发电厂商申报的现货电价和竞价电量,又要考虑与发电厂商原有的购售电合同,甚至还要兼顾系统的热备用问题。

    Before the electrical transaction , the power companies not only consider the power plants ' competitive bidding spot price and volume , but also pay attention to the original purchase contract with the original power plants and the spinning reserve of power system .