
  1. 本文通过具体案例分析,基于软交换技术实现了对运营商现有移动长途汇接网的有效扩容,实现优化现有TDM网络,并向未来3G核心网提供了平滑演进的网络基础。

    Consequently it fulfilled optimizing current time-division multiplexer ( TDM ) - based mobile network and provided foundation for smoothly transition to future 3G core network .

  2. 自旋接网圈的计算和因果演变

    The Calculation and Evolution of Spin Networks

  3. 浅议中国移动长途汇接网及七号信令网工程建设和设计

    Initial Discussion on China Mobile Toll Tandem Network and No.7 Signaling Network Construction and Design

  4. 还将这种方法与缠结理论做了比较;要描述圈量子引力的动力学过程,需要新的模型,自旋接网圈的因果演化模型就是其中的一种。

    A new model such as the causal evolution model of spin networks is needed to describe a dynamics process of loop quantum gravity .

  5. 从线形代数的图解方法出发,对自旋接网圈的数学基础做出回顾,并重新推证了圈算符和双元恒等式,计算了关于自旋接网圈的一些计算公式。

    Starting with diagrammatic methods in linear algebra , this paper reviews the mathematical basis for spin networks , proves again loop operator and binor identity , and computes some formulas about spin networks .

  6. 链子部件(不包括铰接链),钢或铁制外部接达网间连接器

    Chain part ( excl. parts of articulated link chain ), of iron or steel

  7. 配电网作为电力系统中的一个重要层次,上接输电网,下连电力客户,是电力系统与客户之问联系的纽带。

    As an important part of the power system , distribution networks connect transmission network and users .

  8. 交流侧包括了并网逆变DC/AC变换器接配电网。逆变后输出电压与电网相位与频率是否一致直接关系到分布时发电系统能否并网。

    Whether the distributed generation system can be connected to the grid is directly related with the phase and frequency of the output voltage from the DC / AC converter and that from the grid .

  9. 35kV中性点不接地电力网单相接地故障检测研究

    Study on the Single Phase-to-Grounding Fault Detection in 35 kV Networks with Isolated Neutral

  10. 线性ECR微波等离子体源由微波源、同轴线波导、接地栅网电极和真空室外磁场线圈构成。

    The linear ECR microwave plasma source is consist of microwave source , coaxial line waveguide , grounded grid electrode and magnetic field coil outside the vacuum chamber .

  11. 仿真试验分析了弧焊逆变电源工作过程及其动态特性,接于配电网的邻近用户的电压、电流及其THD(总谐波歧变率),弧焊逆变电源输入电压、电流的THD及频谱分析。

    The working process , dynamic character , input voltage , input current and their THD of welding inverter were analysed through simulation , so as to current , voltage and their THD and spectrum of neighbor User .

  12. 谐振接地电力网自动调谐的新方法

    A new automatic tuning method for resonance grounding power network

  13. 中性点不接地配电网电容电流实时测量新方法

    A Novel Measuring Method of Capacitive Current for Insulated Neutral Distribution Networks

  14. 大型变电站接地网的网内电位差

    Potential Difference within Grounding Net for Large Substations

  15. 基于扫频法的谐振接地配电网运行状态监测

    Inspecting and Measuring Running Status of Distributing Power Network Based on Frequency Signal Scanning Method

  16. 矩形驳接单层索网玻璃幕墙协同工作下的整体结构受力分析

    Whole structure 's mechanical analysis under single-layer cable net for rectangle connector-supporting working in coordination

  17. 中性点经小电阻接地配电网中弧光接地过电压的研究

    Study on the Arc - grounding Overvoltage in the Distribution System with Neutral Point Grounded through Low-resistance

  18. 中性点小电阻接地配电网单相接地故障人身安全性试验研究

    Research on Human Safety Test under Single Phase Grounding Fault of Distribution Network with Neutral Point Resistor Grounding

  19. 本文主要研究北斗授时在中性点不接地配电网单相接地故障定位中的应用及故障定位的实现问题。

    This paper studies the application and realization of COMPASS timing in location of single-phase to ground fault location in non-grounded distribution system .

  20. 采用新的测量原理,提出了可同时对谐振接地电力网脱谐度和电容电流进行实时测量的新方法。

    A new method is proposed to measure the tuning-off degree and the capacitive current of resonance grounding power networks based on a new measuring principle .

  21. 随着中压电网中性点不接地供电网系统的不断扩大,单相接地电容电流也在不断增加,正确判别电网接地点,是关系到电网运行可靠性的关键技术问题。

    As the enlargement of power distribution network with isolated neutral and the increase of capacitive current of single-phase grounding , correct identification of earthing point has become a key issue regarding to the reliability of electrical network operation .

  22. 在分析了中性点经消弧电抗器接地配电网现有调谐技术的基础上,提出了一种可对此类电网关键参数进行实时测量及对消弧电抗器进行自动调谐的新方法。

    On the basis of analyzing the tuning technology used at present in distribution network with neutral grounding through arc extinguishing reactor , a new method , which can realize real time measuring to the key parameter of network and automatic tuning for arc extinguishing reactor , was brought out .

  23. PT谐振大多数发生在中性点不直接接地的配电网中,由电磁式电压互感器饱和引起,电磁式电压互感器的非线性特性是铁磁谐振产生的根源。

    PT resonance occurs in the neutral point ungrounded system of electric distribution network frequently . The root cause of PT resonance is the nonlinear characteristics of the electromagnetic voltage transformer .

  24. 与其它虚拟专用网相比,安全套接层虚拟专用网(SSLVPN)由于具有安装简单、能够进行细粒度控制等突出优点,在构建远程访问VPN(AccessVPN)时得到了广泛应用。

    Secure Socket Layer VPN ( SSL VPN ), due to its prominent advantages such as easy deployment and fine granularity configuration etc. compared with other VPNs , is widely employed in Remote Access VPN .

  25. 本文提出基于CCITTSDL语言基础上的信号系统格式化描述方法,并给出了一个程控市话汇接局在国内网中各种接口条件下的局间信号SDL/GR状态图。

    This paper presents a formal description method using CCITT SDL / GR Language . The SDL / GR state pictures of interoffice signallings for a SPC tandem exchange under various junction conditions are discussed .

  26. 介绍了汇接局模式全网智能化实现的原理和方法,并探讨了网络安全性以及容灾技术。

    This paper introduces the principles and methods of implementation of whole-network intelligent business of tandem office mode , and probes into the network security and disaster recovery technology .

  27. 在中性点不接地的配电网中,为了监视三相对地电压,变电站和发电机的母线上通常都接有电磁式电压互感器。

    In order to watch three phase-to-ground voltages , inductive Potential Transformers ( PTs ) are connected to the bus of power substation or generator in ungrounded power distribution system .

  28. 搭建了中性点经自动跟踪补偿消弧线圈接地的配电网电磁暂态仿真平台,本论文围绕配电网接地故障电磁暂态分析展开。

    A electromagnetic transient simulation platform with the automatic tracking compensation arc suppression coil grounding neutral is builded , the analyses of electromagnetic transient of the distribution networks are based on it .

  29. 对现行的低压配电系统中的电气设备外壳带电原因进行了分析,认为在不接地的配电网中,没有采取保护接地措施和设备接地电阻过大是设备带电的主要原因;

    The paper analyzes the current problems of electrification on the metallic shell surfaces of electric equipment in actual Low Voltage Distribution System , and then regards no grounding protection and larger grounding resistance as the main causes for these problems in the earth free main line .

  30. 在目前国内的变电所接地系统设计中,采用常规水平接地极网加上垂直接地极的型式最为普遍。

    In our design of grounding system in substation , compound grounding network is adopted widely which is composed of horizontal grids and vertical grounding rods .