
  • 网络receiver coil;receive coil;Receiving Coil
  1. 论文描述了单激励线圈、双接收线圈的电涡流传感器设计方案。

    Thesis describes the single excitation coil , two receiver coil eddy current sensor design .

  2. 实验表明,高带宽的接收线圈会提高探测结果的浅层分辨率。

    This proves that the high-bandwidth receiver coil can improve resolving power of low subsurface .

  3. MRI微型RF接收线圈的设计与制作

    Design and Fabrication of Micro RF Coil for MRI

  4. Bi系高温超导磁共振成像射频接收线圈的成像研究

    Imaging properties of Bi-Tape High-Temperature Superconducting RF coils for MRI

  5. 本文的研究为超导接收线圈的Q值提高的进一步研究提供了理论和实验依据。

    This study gives the theory and experiment foundation of the future research about superconducting coil quality increase .

  6. 其中分路器采用无源LC带通滤波器,它能将接收线圈耦合到的信号一分为二。

    Wherein the splitter uses a passive LC bandpass filter , it can divide signals coupled by the receiving coil into two .

  7. 本文主要研究了相位感应测井资料的非均匀介质反演方法,分别在一维和二维反演模型中利用两接收线圈的相位差Δφ和幅度比B曲线进行了反演计算。

    The inhomogeneous inversion method on the phase induction logging has been studied in this dissertation . The inversion simulation is performed from the phase difference △φ and amplitude ratio B of the two receiver coils in one-dimensional and two-dimensional inverse modeling , respectively .

  8. 方案中探测线圈的设计是比较重要的部分,接收线圈采用差分连接的方式,对射频EAS的高频干扰有极强的抗干扰能力。

    The design of detecting coil is an important part in the scheme . The receiving coil of it is differential connection and has a strong anti-interference ability to the interference which is from the RF EAS .

  9. 新近出现的并行MRSI技术采用多个接收线圈阵列同时采集数据,在保持空间分辨率不衰减的情况下,从一个或两个空间方向减少相位编码步数,大大减少了扫描时间。

    The parallel MRSI applies multiple coil array for parallel data acquisition , which reduce the acquisition time by reduce the phase encoding steps in one or two directions in space .

  10. 作者在2.0T条件下,用标准头部线圈作为发射和接收线圈,用PRESS序列对健康人脑进行活体质子波谱临床研究,并以总肌酸为内标准计算其它代谢产物的绝对含量。

    He ability of absolute quantification of major metabolite concentrations in the adult human brain in vivo by 1H MRS using total creatine as an endogenous standard was tested . The study was performed at 2.0T with use of standard head coil and PRESS sequence .

  11. 磁共振成像超导接收线圈品质因数的仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis of Quality Factor of Superconducting Receiving Coil for MRI System

  12. M&1航电系统接收线圈的时域分析和参数选择

    Time-domain analysis and parameter selection receiving coil of the M-1 AEM system

  13. 瞬变电磁法中接收线圈过渡过程分析

    Analysis of the receiving coil 's transitional process in TEM

  14. 接收线圈对瞬变电磁信号的影响分析

    Effect analysis Of receiving coil To Transient Electromagnetic Signal

  15. M&1型脉冲式航电仪接收线圈参数的选择

    Parameter selection for the receiving coil of the M - 1 pulse type AEM system

  16. 为了研发“能源分享”设备,研究人员对多种不同的功率发射和接收线圈进行试验。

    To develop PowerShare , researcher experimented with a variety of different power transmitters and receiver coils .

  17. 其次,本文首次实现了对系统的植入式集成和封装。体内执行机构集成了控制电路,微传感器及其调理电路,以及次级接收线圈和接收调理电路。

    Control circuit , micro-sensor module and second coil with receiver conditioning circuit has been integrated on internal executive mechanism .

  18. 对于感应测井仪,关键性的故障源于发射/接收线圈,对这一影响电子诊断不能给出估定值。

    For induction tools , critical failures originate in the transmitter / receiver arrays , which cannot be assessed by electronic diagnostics .

  19. 因巴克豪森效应在试样表面接收线圈中产生的电压脉冲和噪声称为巴克豪森噪声。

    The voltage pulse and noise in receiving coils positioned on the workpiece surface tested due to Barkhausen effect was called Barkhausen noise .

  20. 首先分析了体内接收线圈与体外发射线圈之间的耦合系数,指出与传统的经皮能量传输系统的区别。

    The coupling coefficient between transmitting coil and receiving coil was analyzed , which is different from that in transcutaneous energy transmission system .

  21. 阵列感应测井成象仪线圈系的设计不同于传统感应测井仪,它由一个公用发射线圈和若干个接收线圈组成。

    The sonde of Array Induction Imaging Tool ( AIT ) differs from the conventional one , which consists of one transmitter and several receivers .

  22. 运用电路理论建立接收线圈的等效电路;分析接收线圈的频率特性;

    Based on electrocircuit theory , the equivalent circuit of receiver coil is established , and then the frequency characteristic of receiver coil is analyzed .

  23. 针对机器人在体内姿态不确定的情况,提出了一种自定向机构,利用重力保持接收线圈的姿态,从而提高能量传输的效率。

    A self orientation mechanism was put forward to maintenance the receiving coil orientation , which is internally undetermined , so as to enhance power transmission efficiency .

  24. 在过金属套管井地层电阻率测井中,接收线圈收到的是金属套管和水泥环及地层耦合后的总信号,既包括套管产生的信号,也包括水泥环和地层产生的信号。

    During the logging of measuring electric resistivity of stratum through metal casing , the receiving coil receives the coupled signals of metal casing and cement sheath and stratum .

  25. 文中还分析了温度波动使接收线圈实际位移量与激光干涉测长值不符而产生的误差。

    The error due to the inconsistency between the actual displacement of the receiving coil and the readings of the laser interferometer caused by the temperature fluctuation is analysed also in this paper .

  26. 基于接收线圈接收到的信号大小随接收线圈到发射线圈的距离的关系建立了深度测量模型。研究了定位技术对测深精度的影响。

    Based on that the signal strength , received by the solenoid antenna is proportional to the distance between the transmitter and the receiver , the depth measuring model and methods are purposed .

  27. 这部分电路的作用是通过接收线圈耦合感应出体外发射来的信号,然后再解调出两路原始信号传输给刺激电极。

    The role of circuits in this part is to sense signals sent in vitro through receiving coil coupling , and then two paths of primary signals are demodulated to be transmitted to a stimulation electrode .

  28. 植入物中的加热设备有一个电阻器和一个电力接收线圈,线圈是由镁制成的,而镁的外表又包裹了一层丝,这样既保证了安全又控制了其降解的时间。

    The heating device in the implants has a resistor and power-receiving coil made of magnesium , and the magnesium is wrapped in ' packet ' of silk , keeping it safe and controlling its dissolution time .

  29. 三分量感应测井仪通过布置三组相互垂直的发射-接收线圈对,可直接测量地层的水平电阻率和垂直电阻率,通过测量两个交叉分量还可得出地层的倾角和方位。

    A multi-component induction logging tool provides direct measurements of both horizontal and vertical conductivity by setting three mutually orthogonal transmitter-receiver coil configurations , and it also provides relative dip and tool orientation data by measuring two cross-components .

  30. 所有患者应用相应接收线圈进行磁共振扩散张量成像检查,其中用膝关节线圈8例、肘关节线圈4例、腹部线圈5例、腰椎线圈4例。

    All DTI examinations were performed with different receiving loops according to the mass location , 8 cases with knee coil , 4 cases with elbow coil , 5 cases with abdominal coil and 4 cases with lumbar coil .