
  • 网络purchasing procedure;buying process
  1. “注册码”指当你购买程序时获得的唯一的注册码。

    " Key " refers to the unique registration code that you receive when you purchase the program ;

  2. 输入您的产品密钥并激活软件后,您将拥有所购买程序和功能的完整功能。

    After you enter your product key and activate your software , you will have full functionality for the programs and features you purchased .

  3. “越狱”这个说法多与苹果公司的iPhone、iPod以及iPad等产品有关,因为苹果产品都要求用户只能从苹果的专属商店下载和购买应用程序。

    The concept of jailbreaking is most often associated with products from Apple Inc. , such as the iPhone , iPod and iPad , which routinely restrict the user to applications licensed on what kinds of applications they can purchase ,

  4. icon最有趣的特色之一就是,它是首款可以在线购买应用程序的蓝牙耳机。

    One of its most interesting features is that the icon is the first Bluetooth headset with online apps available .

  5. 即使并未得到苹果的批准,但在用软件解锁iPhone后,它就能在任何运营商的网络中使用,并可以在苹果的iTunes商店中购买应用程序。

    People can use the iPhone and buy applications on Apple 's iTunes store by unlocking the device with software that enables it to work with any network operator , even if they aren 't approved by Apple .

  6. 当你购买了程序,你将收到一个唯一的注册码,或密匙。

    When you purchase the Program , you will receive a unique registration code , or Key .

  7. 对于那些未经家长允许而私自购买应用程序的孩子来说,他们的父母将获得苹果公司至少3250万美元的退款。

    Apple will refund at least $ 32.5 million to parents whose kids made purchases while playing on mobile apps without parental permission .

  8. 因为奥巴马曾表示,先进购买老爷车程序需要走出现有的刺激消费,这可能需要一定的创造性。

    Since Obama has said that money for the cash-for-clunkers program needs to come out of existing stimulus spending , that might take some creative accounting .

  9. (至于SurfacePro,你必须单独购买Office应用程序。)

    ( With the Surface Pro , you have to buy Office separately . )

  10. 例如,可以异步通知购买管理应用程序:来自WebSphereMQ的“填写帐户”消息已经到达。

    For example , a purchase management application could be notified asynchronously of the arrival of a " place account " message from WebSphere MQ .

  11. •构建一个开放的在线市场,使消费者和企业可以在这里购买各种应用程序。

    • an open , online marketplace where consumers and companies alike could buy apps ;

  12. 通过替换策略,企业购买成品应用程序并对它们进行定制,以满足业务需求。

    With a replace strategy , enterprises purchase off-the-shelf applications and customize them to meet their business needs .

  13. 你所购买的应用程序有更新的时候,你也可以方便地无线升级。

    And for those apps you bought , when there 's an update you can download that update wirelessly as well .

  14. 其次是你今后可能需要购买的附加程序和附件的价格。

    The second is the price of additional programs and possible additions that you might want to buy at a later date .

  15. 客户驱动了IT界这一从购买大规模应用程序到购买目标更为具体,能够解决他们独一无二的商业需要的方案的转变。

    Customers drove this shift in the IT industry from buying grand-scale applications to more targeted solutions that solve their unique business needs .

  16. 与购买每个应用程序并安装这些许可“应用程序”本身的副本相比,使用共享许可驱动程序的应用程序可以让您节省大量的成本。

    Applications using shared licensed drivers might enable you to save significant costs versus each application purchasing and installing their own copies of these licensed " applications " .

  17. 例如,我们若要给IT设备归并主题,我们有可能拥有特定设备、自制的和购买的应用程序、数据存储信息等的名字。

    For example , if we 're mapping an IT installation , we likely have topics for specific pieces of equipment , homegrown and purchased applications , data storage information and the like .

  18. 这种方法往往比通过“受限制的演示”模式试用软件更好,因为演示模式要求用户在桌面计算机上安装他们可能不会购买的应用程序。

    This tends to be a preferred method of trying out software in " restricted demo " mode compared to having to install an application on your desktop that you may not end up buying .

  19. 设想用户可以用其购买书籍的应用程序。

    Imagine an application where users can buy books .

  20. 用于跟踪和保存家庭重要数据,包括系列号码和购买信息的应用程序。

    Application you can use to track and save important data about home possessions , including serial numbers and purchase information .

  21. 其次,综合对比介绍西方与我国政府购买社工服务的模式与程序,提炼西方国家服务购买的可圈可点之处,为我国现行的购买程序提供参考。

    Secondly , the author will comprehensively compare pattern and procedure of the government purchasing social work services in the western and China , extract strengths of the western countries to provide the reference for China .