
  • 网络bolivar;VEB
  1. 国家电视台播放了两名嫌疑人的录像,当他们被全副武装的警察护送到西蒙博利瓦国际机场的一架等待飞机时,两人戴着手拷,身穿防弹背心。

    State television broadcast footage of both suspects , who wore handcuffs and bulletproof vests , as they were escorted to a waiting plane by heavily armed police at Simon Bolivar International Airport .

  2. 安赫尔瀑布坐落于委内瑞拉的博利瓦省,它3212英尺(979米)的巨大落差令人啧啧称奇,它更凭此摘得世界落差最大瀑布的桂冠,而其单级落差之大也堪称世界之最。

    Angel Falls , located in the Bolivar province of Venezuela , not only claims the distinction of being the highest waterfall in the world at an astonishing 3212 feet tall ( 979 meters ) , but it also has the single highest plunge in the world .