
  • 网络Shelf;Curioshelves
  1. 在一个博古架里陈设的水石的产地同一真是十全十美,但是未必拘泥同一产地。

    In a display of water Shelf where the origin of the same stone is really perfect , but not rigidly stick to the same place .

  2. 一般地说,在博古架陈设观众的视线当然首先向上层的石,因此在这里希望把作为水石最优秀且格调高的赏石摆设。

    Generally speaking , in the Shelf furnishings of course , the audience 's attention first to the top of the stone , so here hopes to function as a stone of the best high-Shang Shi and style furnishings .

  3. 目前主营产品为衣柜、书柜电脑桌、电视柜、鞋柜、博古架、推拉门、隔断门等。

    Main Products for the current wardrobe , bookcase computer desk , TV cabinet , shoe , Bogut frame , sliding door , such as .