
  1. 基于长三角一体化背景下长三角博物馆业发展模式探索

    Probe into Museum Development Mode of Yangtze River Delta Based on Integration of Yangtze River Delta

  2. 从长三角一体化背景出发,其博物馆业的发展路径应该是:场馆布局要合理;展陈形式要创新,做到新颖;资源要协调共享。

    Under the background of integration of Yangtze River Delta , the development road for museum is to arrange the place reasonably , to create showing forms , and to coordinate and share resources .

  3. 本文采用对比研究法,对国内外博物馆旅游业进行了对比,从管理、经费、服务等方面分析了国内博物馆旅游发展的差距,并提出了可供我国博物馆旅游发展借鉴的经验。

    Using contrast study method , the paper makes an analysis to the development of museum-tourism in and abroad , finding out the disparity from the management , outlay and service , and proposes successful experience .

  4. 同时,通过博物馆旅客满意度的研究得出的启示,希望能为有效指导城市博物馆旅游业的实践发展提供帮助。

    At the same time , the museum tourism research is to effectively guide the development practice of museum tourism .

  5. 目前我国博物馆旅游发展中存在着观念落后、设施陈旧单一、门票价格过高等一些问题,从市场营销的角度利用市场营销组合战略加大与旅游部门的合作,可加快博物馆旅游业的发展。

    Presently , there exist some problems in Chinese museum tourism , such as old-fashioned ideas , old faculties and high-priced tickets . So promoting cooperation with tourism department from a marketing angle can hasten museum tourism development .