
ɡòu mǎi xié yì
  • purchase agreement
  1. bp周日证实,已收到bridas的函件,宣布“行使其终止股份购买协议的权利”。

    BP on Sunday confirmed it had received a letter from bridas " exercising their right to terminate the share purchase agreement " .

  2. 本期票按《购买协议》规定发行,本文未规定大写术语的含义同《购买协议》。

    This Note is issued pursuant to the Purchase Agreement , and capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Purchase Agreement .

  3. 它已经签定了两项大型的高达17500亿瓦的能源购买协议,并计划通过运用和它姊妹公司Tessera共同打造的盘式发动机系统来实现协议的内容。

    It has signed two large power-purchase agreements , for up to1,750MW , and plans to fulfil them using dish-engine systems built in conjunction with its sister company , Tessera Solar .

  4. 这一购买协议宣布得非常及时,目前小米正在为难以达到销售目标而头疼。

    The announcement comes at a time when Xiaomi has been struggling to meet sales targets .

  5. 波音发表声明时说,它准备在未来数周内和中国私人航空公司确定单走道飞机的购买协议。

    Boeing said in a statement it planned to finalize the agreements for the single-aisle planes with individual Chinese airlines over the next few weeks .

  6. 因此,能够解决重稀土加工难题、与最终用户敲定投资或购买协议的公司将获得投资者的青睐。

    Investors will therefore be looking for companies that can crack the metallurgy of processing heavy rare earths and secure investment or offtake agreements with end users .

  7. 奥曼表示,由于谈判电力购买协议的复杂性,谷歌公司花了五年时间才实现012年定下的100%的目标。

    Oman said it had taken Google five years to reach the 100 % target , set in 2012 , because of the complexity involved with negotiating power purchase agreements .

  8. 除非顾客在作品,在情况,分开的写的协议将管理与美国一起签署了一个分开的正式购买协议,前述的条款适用。

    The foregoing terms and conditions apply unless the customer has signed a separate formal purchase agreement with us in writing , in which case the separate written agreement shall govern .

  9. 指定购买的协议类型。

    Specify the type of agreement purchased .

  10. 双方当事人之间的协定,如一方出售和另一方购买的协议。

    Agreement between two parties , such as when one sells and the other buys something .

  11. 州交通运输局局长布伦南·盛冈承认每次州的购买电力协议的价格高的时候,价格都是固定的。

    State Transportation Department Director Brennon Morioka acknowledged that the state 's purchase power agreement prices were fixed at a time when prices were high .

  12. 科威特和中国签了一个购买大炮的协议。

    Kuwait has signed an agreement to purchase artillery from China .

  13. 意向书付诸实施后,买方应即刻起草购买和销售协议。

    Upon execution of this letter Buyer shall prepare the Purchase and Sale Agreement .

  14. 结果通过签订《生态购买购保协议》使购买与保护权益得到体现,民众参与管理意识得到加强。

    Results From signing ecological purchasing and environmental protection protocol which make rights and interests clear , and the consciousness of the people engaged in management is enhanced .

  15. 杨金瑞拒绝证实墨西哥购买疫苗的协议,但是他说有一些国家希望从中国购买疫苗,他们已经和卫生部联系。

    Yang , of the Ministry of Health , refused to confirm the Mexico deal , but he said there are countries wanting to buy the vaccine from China , and they had contacted the ministry .

  16. IBM提供了可以在线购买的不同支持协议。

    IBM offers different support agreements that can be bought online .

  17. 埃克森美孚和荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)分别持有该项目25%的股权。中石油除了与埃克森美孚签约外,还早已与荷兰皇家壳牌签署从该项目购买天然气的协议。

    As well as the agreement with ExxonMobil , which owns 25 per cent of Gorgon , PetroChina has a long standing agreement with Royal Dutch Shell , which also owns 25 per cent , to source gas from the field .

  18. 富国银行星期五签署了一项在不需要政府援助的情况下以150亿美元购买瓦霍维亚银行的协议。

    Wells Fargo signed a $ 15 billion agreement Friday to buy the institution without government assistance .

  19. 阿根廷近期宣布了一项从中国购买核反应堆的协议,其中一台核反应堆预计为中国自主设计。

    Argentina recently announced a deal to buy nuclear reactors from China , one of which is expected to be of original design .