
  • 网络SALES MIX;marketing mix
  1. 然而,其他变量如生产效率、销售组合和生产方法的变化也会对销售收入和成本有重要的影响。

    However , changes in other variables such as production efficiency , sales mix and production methods can have an important influence on sales revenue and costs .

  2. 我们还引进了一系列新菜谱,其中包括色拉和价格稍贵的汉堡,它们在销售组合中的表现并不抢眼,但为确保素食者打消不进麦当劳的理由却很重要。

    And we have introduced a range of new dishes including salads and slightly more expensive burgers which are not yet significant in the sales mix but have been important in ensuring that vegetarians don 't have a reason for not coming in .

  3. 与杂志、报纸成立销售组合。

    That incorporated a marketing mix with magazine , newspaper .

  4. 中国电信以捆绑销售和组合销售等方式为客户提供全系列产品一揽子销售策略,深受客户喜爱。

    By bundling sales and portfolio sales , China Telecom provides a full range of products package sales strategy , and deeply being recognized by customers .

  5. 如何在整个市场营销的框架下科学的制定销售促销组合和销售促销策略去实现既定销售目标,如何最大限度的提高销售促销资金的投资回报成为企业决策者必须要面对的问题。

    How to make sales promotion policy scientifically so as to shoot the target of sales volume , to maximize the return on the investment of sales promotion becomes a question that business managers have to answer .

  6. 明显地,营销者面临一个设计问题:为他们的产品(提供物)选择最好的沟通、分销和销售渠道的组合方式。

    Marketers clearly face a design problem in choosing the best mix of communication , distribution , and selling channels for their offerings .

  7. 利润的逐个季度下滑,主要原因包括产品的销售下滑及产品组合不理想。

    The quarter-over-quarter decline was attributable to lower product sales as well as product mix .

  8. 庞大的520亿美元可销售资产支持证券组合,如今只是在以缓慢的速度减少。

    The vast , $ 52bn available-for-sale , asset-backed securities portfolio is only slowly coming down .