
  • 网络Sales Customer Service;INsales
  1. 预计将出现在Twitter和Facebook上的不仅仅是市场、销售和客服等部门,研发、物流和人力资源等差异巨大的团队也越来越多地使用Yammer等内部网络以简化操作流程。

    Not only are departments like marketing , sales , and customer service expected to be on twitter ( TWTR ) and Facebook , teams as diverse as R & D , logistics , and HR are increasingly using internal networks like yammer to streamline operations .

  2. 智能手表能让你的销售或客服团队更敏锐地把握客户需求吗?

    Could smart watches make your sales teams or service agents more responsive to customer needs ?

  3. 将在典型的商务环境中提高和加强商务用词,内容涉及:公司介绍、产品介绍、销售、客服、商务谈判等等。

    To enlarge business vocabulary , and to be able to communicate in English in typical business situations , such as meetings , negotiation and # areas include : customer service , manufacturing , marketing , finance , and so on .

  4. 企业信用管理是一个完整的系统工程,需要信用管理部门、财务部门、销售部门、客服部门等多个部门协同配合才能很好的完成。

    Enterprise Credit Management is a complete system which needs departments cooperation among credit management department , financial department , sales department , customer service department and other departments .

  5. 天津销售部邀请我们客服处在天津进行一次有针对性的技术交流活动。

    Tianjin invitation of the Ministry of sales in Tianjin we call a targeted technical exchange activities .

  6. 一年以上销售或市场工作经验,如:销售,市场,客服,技术支持或其他类似职位经验。

    Above one year sales or marketing related experience , which may include sales , marketing , customer service , technical service , or similar positions .