
  1. CZD-6型车载多道γ能潜测量系统,以核工业北京地质研究院研制的HDY-256型便携式多道γ能谱仪为操作台,与大体积闪烁探测器构成γ能谱测量系统。

    The car-borne multichannel gamma-ray spectrometric system Model CZD-6 is composed of a HDY-256 of portable multichannel gamma-ray spectrometer developed by the Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology and a large volume scintillation detector .

  2. 简要介绍了核工业北京地质研究院旧科研实验大楼维修改造工程现场监督工作,以及为确保工程质量所采取的相应措施和经改造后大楼的新面貌。

    The paper briefly introduces the site supervisory work of maintaining and reconstructing old scientific experiment building in Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology , as well as some measures taken to ensure the project quality , and the reconstructed building .

  3. 受核工业北京地质研究院开放实验室资助,笔者以伊犁盆地南缘为研究对象,对可地浸层间氧化带型砂岩铀矿盲矿的识别模式进行了专项研究。

    Supported by the Open Laboratory of Nuclear Energy Resources Research , the authors taking the southern flank of the Yili basin as an example performed a special research on the recognition model for concealed in situ leachable sandstone type uranium deposit .