
  1. 核泵推力轴承弹性支承的强度和刚度分析

    Strength and Stiffness Analysis of Elastic Supports of Thrust Bearings in Main Pump of Nuclear Power Station

  2. 核泵中泵出、入口的设计、加工及保护

    Design , Machining and Protection of the Inlet and Outlet of the Pumps for Nuclear Power Station

  3. 本文研究了核泵恒压供水径向水润滑轴承中的重要部件&节流器的阻尼特性。

    The present thesis studies the damping characteristics of the water-lubricated radial bearing-restrictors in the case of the constant-pressure water-supply .

  4. 核电泵业有限公司作为国家泵行业排头兵,义不容辞地担负起核泵国产化的艰巨任务。

    Shenyang Blower Works Group Nuclear Pump Co. Ltd. , as a national pump industry pacesetter , is incumbent upon us to shoulder the arduous task of nuclear pump localization .

  5. 核泵是核电站中最为关键的设备之一,它长时间稳定运行对核电站的安全有重要作用。

    The nuclear reactor pump is the key equipment in the nuclear power plant . It is important for the safe of the nuclear power plant that the pumps work stably for a long time .

  6. 余热排出泵是余热排出系统(RRA)的主要组成部分,是除核主泵之外唯一布置在核岛之内的核二级泵,是关系到核岛能否安全停堆的核心装备。

    The residual heat removal pump is a main component of RRA and is the only nuclear secondary pump which is installed inside the nuclear island except the main pump and which significantly affects whether the reactor can shut-down .

  7. 核主泵屏蔽套激光纵缝焊接机的研制

    Research on Longitudinal Seam Leaser Welder for Reactor Coolant Pump Can

  8. 混流式核主泵非定常流场的压力脉动特性分析

    Analysis on Pressure Fluctuations of Unsteady Flow Field in Mixed-Flow Main Coolant Pump

  9. 断电事故对核主泵安全特性影响的试验研究

    Test Study on Safety Features of Station Blackout Accident for Nuclear Main Pump

  10. 核主泵叶轮非定常流场及疲劳寿命可靠性分析

    Study of Unsteady Flow and Fatigue Reliability of the Reactor Coolant Pump 's Impeller

  11. 深槽端面流体动压型机械密封是核主泵轴封常采用的主要密封类型之一。

    A hydrodynamic face seal with deep grooves was usually used in a RCP .

  12. 大流量、高可靠性和低维护率是核主泵永远追求的目标。

    Big flow flux , high reliability and low maintenance rate is the target for nuclear main pump .

  13. 核主泵,即核反应堆冷却剂泵,是核岛中冷却剂循环的驱动设备。

    Nuclear reactor coolant pump , usually called nuclear main pump , is the driving equipment in the nuclear coolant cycling system .

  14. 最后通过计算分析本文优化设计的核主泵的全工况性能,确定了水力性能较优的百万千万级核主泵的初步水力模型。

    Finally , by analyzing overall performance curves of the optimized nuclear main pump , the preliminary nuclear main pump hydraulic model was established .

  15. 核主泵是核电站的核心设备之一,并且是我国核电设备中最后一个完全依靠进口的设备。

    Nuclear main pump is one of the core equipment of nuclear power plants , and is the last device depending entirely on the imports .

  16. 出于安全等方面的考虑,核主泵必须能够在压力高、温度高、辐射强的环境下,长时间安全、可靠地运行。

    And the nuclear main pump is required to operate under high temperature , high pressure and strong radiation surroundings in long term safely and reliably .

  17. 核主泵是核电厂的心脏,保证核主泵的安全运转尤为重要。

    Nuclear main pump is the " heart " to Nuclear power stations . So ensuring the safe operation of nuclear main pump is particularly important .

  18. 论文所述模型和数值计算方法,以及相关的结论可为核主泵用流体动压型机械密封的结构设计提供一定的理论指导。

    The model , the numerical method and the conclusion stated by this dissertation can be used to guide seal structure design in hydrodynamic mechanical seal .

  19. 目前我国核电事业进入快速发展阶段,但是国内对反应堆核主泵的需求依然依赖进口。

    At present , the nuclear electricity in China is developing rapidly but the domestic de-mands for nuclear reactor coolant pump ( RCP ) still rely on imports .

  20. 核主泵需要在高温高压环境下长期高速旋转,其对环境压力和温度的变化特别敏感,一旦发生空化,将可能对泵的性能、寿命造成严重影响。

    Nuclear main pump needs long-term rotation in high-speed under high temperature and pressure which make it particularly sensitive to the changes of environment pressures and environment temperature .

  21. 核主泵是核电站核岛一回路系统的核心,对核反应堆的安全运行起着至关重要的作用。

    The main pump is the core of first loop of a nuclear power plant , it plays a vital role on the safety of the nuclear reactor operation .

  22. 上径向轴承作为屏蔽电机主泵中的关键部件,其性能对核主泵的安全运行有着重要影响。

    Upper radial bearing , as the key component of the canned reactor coolant pump , has an important influence on the safe operation of the reactor coolant pump .

  23. 核主泵是核电装备的核心部件,表面硬化和残余应力是影响泵壳表面完整性的重要因素。

    Nuclear main pump is the core component of the nuclear power equipment . Surface hardening and residual stress are important factors that affect the integrity of the surface of the pump .

  24. 本发明使核主泵在正常工作状态时,由第一级流体静压式机械密封承受系统的绝大部分压力稳定运行;

    In the invention , when the nuclear main pump is in the normal working state , the first-stage hydrostatic mechanical seal bears most of the pressure of the system and runs stably ;

  25. 轴端机械密封是核主泵的关键部件,主要用于控制反应堆冷却剂沿核主泵泵轴的泄漏,与主泵的安全、可靠运行密切相关。

    The main pump seal is the key component mainly used for control the leakage along the pump shaft , which is important to the safty and reliability of the reactor main coolant pump .

  26. 随着核电事业的发展和国家的重大需求,核主泵制造的关键科学问题被列为国家973计划项目。

    Along with the development of nuclear power industry and the major needs of state , " the Key Scientific Problems of Manufacturing Nuclear Main Pump " was classified as the National 973 Plan Project .

  27. 作为核岛中唯一运转的部件,核主泵必须在承受高温、高压、强辐射环境下,能够超长使役安全、可靠地运行。

    As the only revolving part in the nuclear islands , nuclear main pump must operate in the long term safely and reliably under the circumstances of high temperature , high pressure and strong radiation .

  28. 核主泵是核电站反应堆中关键部件之一,其作用是驱动反应堆冷却剂在一回路中流动,带走堆芯中因核反应释放的热量。

    Nuclear main pump is one of the most important components in nuclear reactor , whose main function is to make the coolant circulate , in order to take away the heat of nuclear reactor core .

  29. 目前条件下,对核主泵进行实验研究成本很高,因此通过数值模拟对核主泵内部的流场进行分析是比较经济的方法。

    In current conditions , the cost of experiments of nuclear main pump is very high , and numerical simulation is a more economical and fast means which simulates the flow field in nuclear main pump .

  30. 可倾瓦推力轴承和机械密封是核主泵和其它核泵中两个最为关键的润滑部件。

    For the nuclear pump , it is necessary to provide the motor with sufficient high load support and low friction using the tilting-pad thrust bearing and the mechanical seal , the most two important parts .