
  • 网络sales office;branch offices
  1. 该公司在莫斯科特维尔大街的丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-CarltonHotel)设立了流动销售办事处,每天有数十名亿万富翁穿过该酒店大堂。

    A kind of traveling sales office was set up at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Moscow 's Tverskaya Street , where dozens of billionaires pass through the lobby each day .

  2. 我们公司在洛杉矶有个销售办事处。

    We have a sales office in Los angeles .

  3. 联信(LASUN)在中国大陆地区已设立十几个销售办事处。

    LASUN has already established more than ten sales offices in China market .

  4. CEDES公司的安全和自动化业务总部设在瑞士Landquart,在整个欧洲主要地区设有销售办事处。

    The CEDES Safety and Automation business is headquartered in Landquart , Switzerland with sales offices primarily across Europe .

  5. 上面标着四个销售办事处管辖的地区。

    Showing the regions covered by the four sales offices .

  6. 我公司在江苏苏州、广东江门两地设有销售办事处。

    The company have distribution offices in Suzhou city , Jiangsu Province and Jiangmen city , Guangdong Province .

  7. 对于这种性质的买卖,买方可以要求直接向销售办事处。

    For this kind of properties for sale , the buyer can be asked directly to the sales offices .

  8. 投资银行正纷纷进入这个新兴市场,在中国开设大宗商品销售办事处,以扩大其大宗商品业务。

    Investment banks are rushing to tap this emerging market , opening commodities sales offices in China to boost their commodities business .

  9. 赫斯基是一家加拿大独资公司,现在全球已有40多个服务和销售办事处。

    Husky is an exclusive invested company with headquarter in Bolton , Canada and has more than 40 Services and Sales regional offices worldwide .

  10. 我们计划石家庄纸厂及北京销售及物流办事处的员工总数最多不超过300人。

    We are projecting to have a maximum of no more than 300 employees at the mill in Shijiazhuang and a sales and logistic office in Beijing .

  11. 驻上海办事处主要是销售和营销办事处,力拓是世界第二大铁矿石生产商,在伦敦和悉尼上市。

    The Shanghai office is mainly a sales and marketing office for Rio , the world 's second-biggest iron ore producer , which is listed in London and Sydney .

  12. 公司在深圳、上海、天津、厦门等地设立了多个销售分公司和办事处,在安徽庐江、苏州常熟设有生产工厂。

    Company set up offices or branches in Shenzhen , Shanghai , Tianjin and Xiamen , and build big production base in Lujiang and changshu city .