
  • 网络store layouts
  1. 广州市大型零售商店布局分析

    The locational analysis of guangzhou 's large retail emporia

  2. 苹果商店变得布局更清晰、更简洁、更好用。

    The store has also been made cleaner , simpler and easier to use .

  3. 据称,苹果正在调整其零售商店的布局,以使得更多产品能够在灯光下熠熠生辉。

    Apple is purportedly tweaking the layout of its retail stores to shine a light on more products .

  4. 正如上世纪自选货架的问世改变了商店的布局一样,本世纪网上购物也将如此。

    Just as the arrival of self-service shelving transformed the physical layout of shops in the past century , online shopping will do so in this one .

  5. 这种商店在物理布局上与百货商店类似,但强调批量采购与通过提供低价、较少的商品种类与顾客服务获得很高的资本周转率。

    Such stores are similar to department stores in physical layout , but emphasize mass merchandising and high turnover by offering low prices , fewer product varieties and customer services .

  6. 该过程可以分析出哪些商品顾客倾向于在一起购买,从而可以为商店经理提供比较好的商店布局方式。

    A classic example is Market Basket Analysis , which can tell out what kinds of goods may be purchased together by our customers , thus it can offer the manager with better layout .

  7. 这真的很酷,大规模触摸在商店后面隐藏的屏幕有点恶劣的商店布局。

    This really cool , massive touch-screen at the back of the store is somewhat hidden by poor store layout .