
  1. 中国传统价值观在商业电视广告艺术中的应用

    Application of Traditional Chinese Values in Commercial TV Advertisement Art

  2. 近十年商业电视广告的后现代转向研究

    The Research on the Post-modernization of Commercial Television Advertising in Resent Ten Years

  3. 现代商业电视广告的翻译策略

    On Translation Strategies in Modern Business TV Advertising

  4. 商业电视广告把娱乐和广告内容融为一体。

    Commercial television has mixed entertainment and advertising .

  5. 处于动态发展过程中的文化差异是商业电视广告翻译面临的主要障碍之一。

    The thesis first carefully examines , from a dynamic perspective , the cultural differences between China and the western world , which pose major problems to the translator in the process of advertising translation .

  6. 乔尔:你的语气跟商业、电视广告一模一样。

    Joel : You sound like a commercial , or an infomercial .

  7. 商业电视依赖广告收入和它所开辟的其他财源(如家庭影院),这样来发展它们的节目和对节目的反应能力。

    The commercial broadcasters rely on advertising revenue and other developed revenue streams ( like home videos ) for their programme development and programme response capacity .

  8. 德沃曼为筹拍《离婚,音乐喜剧》卖掉了他的商业电视及广告咨询生意的一半,现在他希望能够保本甚至赚点钱。

    Now after selling half his infomercial and advertising consulting business to finance " Divorce , the Musical ," Dworman hopes he will break even and maybe even make some money .

  9. 商业电视是的广告宣传工具。

    Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising .

  10. 商业电视是一种广告媒介。

    Commercial television is a medium for advertising .

  11. 超级自选影院宣传频道〔有线电视〕商业电视是有效的广告宣传工具。

    Barker Channel [ Wharf Cable ] Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising .