
  • 网络fangqi
  1. 选择来到北京,开始北漂一族。

    Choose came to Beijing , began to north bleaching gens .

  2. 你放心,现在我们是北漂一族,过几年我一定要成为北京人。

    Why don 't we go back ? We can 't always float around in Beijing .

  3. 作为北漂一族,整日游游荡荡,为了生存挣扎,怀揣渺茫梦想,自欺欺人自强。

    As the north bleaching , in order to survive all wandering , struggles , dreams , deceive himself off slim .

  4. 他是典型的北漂一族,租房住在潘家园,但从来没邀请同事,朋友到过他的住处,有着非常神秘的私生活。

    He rented an apartment in PanjiaYuan but never invited anybody there , while his private life keeps a Big X to everyone .

  5. 如这些用情、用心、用激情诠释人生的“北漂一族”,迈着勇敢的大步,走在都市的喧嚣中,依然保持着内心的从容与的淡定。

    Walking bravely in the noisy metropolis with calm and firmness , as well as the group of people making the living to Beijing .

  6. 由于房租飞涨,越来越多的北漂一族不得不放弃在北京的就业机会,选择回到家乡工作。

    Due to soaring rents , more and more Beijing drifters have to give up the opportunity to work in Beijing and choose to go back to their hometowns .

  7. 贾樟柯的电影《世界》巧妙选择世界公园这样一个有着多重隐喻意味的人造景观作为叙事场所,客观真实地描述了北漂一族这一城市边缘人群精神世界迷失的历程。

    Jia Zhang-ke 's movie The World selected cleverly artificial scene " World Park ", which had multiple metaphor as depicting scene has described lost experience in spiritual world of " the family of northern wandering ", a group on the border of city .