
  • 网络Commercial positioning;business location
  1. 为了提高效率,推进管制和产权改革,我国国有机场的管理形式必须从事业型的公共管理逐渐向商业定位的市场化管理转变。

    In order to improve efficiency and deepen the reform , state-owned airports in China should turn the mode of management to commercialization-orientated market .

  2. 因而必须解决目前助学贷款制度事实上存在的商业定位问题,明确其行政性。

    But now , the student aid 's system is commercial nature , the question must be solved and gone back to it 's administrative nature .

  3. 外部因素包括经济因素、人口因素、交通因素、竞争因素、规划政策因素等;内部因素包括商业定位、商业业态、设施构成、空间形态和商业中心活力等。

    External factors include economic factors , demographic factors , transport factors , competitive factors , planning policy factors . Internal factors include commercial posture , retail formats , facilities , spatial forms , the activity of commercial center .

  4. 本文以天津中粮大道大悦城购物中心为研究对象,通过对项目的前期商业定位研究,找出一套行之有效的商业地产购物中心商业定位研究方法,帮助该项目进行准确定位。

    Taking Tianjin COFCO Avenue City shopping center as the research object , through the early commercial positioning research , find out a set of effective commercial real estate shopping center commercial positioning research method , help the project accurate positioning .

  5. 第二重是面对广告客户的商业基础定位。

    Secondly , marketing positioning is to position the business basis of advertisers .

  6. 零售商业市场定位与地理定位

    Retail industry : market position and geographic location

  7. 论商业广告定位的心理策略

    On Psychological Tactics of Commercial Advertisements

  8. 商业广告定位的心理策略包括两方面:(1)认知心理策略:包括树立第一、跟随第一和非可乐型的定位策略。

    The psychological tactics of commercial advertisement orientation includes two aspects . First , cognitive tactics : i.

  9. 服饰批发市场商业项目定位过程中所涉及的利益主体比较多,因此增加了项目的难度和不确定因素。

    In the process of commercial projects orientation in apparel wholesale market involve more stakeholders , thus increase difficulty and uncertainty of the project .

  10. 通过市场细分,对北京易居房地产经纪公司进行了目标客户定位、区域市场定位、商业模式定位。

    Subdivide through market , apt to occupy real estate manager Company carry on target consumer orientation , regional market orientation , commercial mode make a reservation to Beijing .

  11. 在商业房产定位部分,本文创新性的引入了目标市场定位模型,为进行竞争市场定位提供了更为可靠的依据;

    In the chapter of commercial property orientation , this paper innovatively introduces the orientation model for aimed market and so provides the more reliable support for competitive market orientation .

  12. 同时,对该类商业空间定位及设计所涉及的中心地理论,消费者行为空间理论,环境心理学和环境行为学等相关理论的发展及研究现状进行了梳理。

    At the same time , it summarized theory related to the subway station commerce commercial planning and space design , such as central place theory , environmental psychology and other theory .

  13. 我国的城市商业银行定位,类似于国外的中小银行,是由城市企业、居民和地方财政投资入股,在城市信用社的基础上改组而来的地方性股份制商业银行。

    Similar to small banks of foreign country , City Commercial Banks of China are the local joint-stock commercial banks which were set up in the basis of urban credit cooperatives and shared by the companies , residents and local financial investment stake .

  14. 加入WTO后我国中小商业银行市场定位战略的选择

    The Choice of the Market-locating Strategy of china 's Medium-and-Small Commercial Banks After Entering WTO

  15. 接着,作者在WTO背景下对我国商业银行信贷定位了再思考;

    Thirdly , further consideration of the credit positioning of China is taken under the background of joining the WTO ;

  16. UWB广泛用于超宽带雷达进行穿透探测和入侵探测、手持电台和组网通信、地理测量系统,为无线电引信与民用商业等提供定位精度。

    UWB wireless technology is widely applied UWB radar in breakthrough detection and inbreak detection , hand-held station , group-net communication , geographical measuring system . It offers location accuracy for wireless firebird and commercial business .

  17. 北京住宅群商业设施市场定位策略研究

    A Research on Position Strategy of Commerical Facilities in Beijing 's Residential Group

  18. 我国城市商业银行市场定位问题&基于金融共生理论的研究

    The Marketing Orientation of the City Commercial Banks & Research on the Analysis of Financial Symbiosis Theory

  19. 本文的第四部分主要介绍了国外有关中小商业银行市场定位理论的经验,并从中得到启示。

    The fourth part primarily introduces the theories of market selection for small-and-medium sized banks abroad and withdraws the lessons .

  20. 而后,以养老保险制度改革为基础,探讨我国商业年金的定位与发展。

    Then , in order to reform old-age insurance system based on the positioning of our annuity business and development .

  21. 我国中小商业银行市场定位存在同质同构现象严重、缺乏战略规划等问题。

    The serious phenomena of homogeneous quality and homogeneous structure and lack of strategic plans exist in our medium-and-small commercial banks .

  22. 其次,论文结合我国的转轨经济特点,对我国商业银行信贷定位及其把握进行了分析;

    Secondly , considering the characteristics of the economy of China , the credit positioning of China and its holding is studied ;

  23. 指标体系确定后,基于模糊综合评判建立了商业地产项目定位决策模型。

    After established the evaluation index system , this article established the project orientation decision-making model which based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation .

  24. 在对商圈进行了全新的阐释基础上,提出了商圈空间的概念及其模型,以期为商业企业市场定位提供科学的解决思路。

    The paper puts forward a new concept of business space and its model so as to set a new way to help the business take suitable market .

  25. 整个联赛的运作都是以满足观众要求为宗旨,对联赛的商业价值进行定位和全方位的包装,对每场比赛进行精心策划和运作,因此,呈献给观众的是具有极高观赏价值的比赛。

    Its purpose is to satisfy what the audients require to orientate its financial value and wholly embellish it , to elaborately plan and operate every match , to provide the audients great enjoyment .

  26. 造成这样结果的原因有很多,如商业房产前期定位不准、缺乏专业的规划和设计、招商与市场脱节,没有系统规范的操作思路等。

    There are many reasons for this phenomenon , such as : incorrect market orientation , shortage of human resource and professional design-plan companies in commercial property , touting out of market , lack of systematical operation model and so on .

  27. 本文从分析目前中小商业银行市场定位战略的不足之处入手,配合中小商业银行的市场环境分析,指出了我国中小商业银行市场定位战略应当如何制定。

    This thesis begin with the shortcoming of present positioning strategy of small and medium sized commercial banks , go on with analysis of their market environment , and give suggestion on how small and medium sized commercial banks decide their positioning strategy .

  28. 加入WTO后我国城市商业银行的市场定位

    The Market Orientation of China City Commercial Banks after Entering WTO

  29. 体验式商业建筑的功能定位与设计研究

    Study on Functional Location and Architecture Design of the Experiential Commerce

  30. 关于我国商业银行市场重新定位的分析

    An Analysis of Re-positioning of Commercial Bank Market in China