
  • 网络Commercial Properties
  1. 不是,我们只做商用房地产

    No. We do commercial real estate .

  2. 去年12月,住宅和商用房地产价格增幅创下了18个月之最,而外国直接投资也较1年前水平翻了一番以上。

    Residential and commercial real estate prices rose at the fastest rate in 18 months in December , while foreign direct investment more than doubled from a year earlier .

  3. 尽管如此,投资者兴趣渐浓是商用房地产企稳的一个信号,使该行业形势恶化拖垮银行、威胁到美国经济复苏的可能性有所下降。

    Nevertheless , the growing interest from investors is a sign of stabilisation , making it less likely that worsening commercial real estate conditions will sink banks and choke off a US recovery .

  4. 几个回合下来,监管者们先后将矛头指向投机者、非居港人士和整个住宅市场,上周五,监管者的矛头扩大到商用房地产和快速增长的车位贷款。

    Over several rounds , regulators have taken aim at speculators , foreigners , the residential market more generally , and , late on Friday , the boom in loans for car-parking spots as well as the wider commercial sector .