
  • 网络china Communication
  1. 如果政府指导下的中国通信标准化协会(ChinaCommunicationsStandardsAssociation)制定的新标准得到批准,拟议中的法规就有可能强制要求手机生产商配合中国政府识别用户身份并跟踪他们对应用软件的使用。

    If new standards put forth by the government-guided China Communications Standards Association are approved , the law could force handset makers to cooperate with China 's government to identify customers and track their app use .

  2. 中国通信建设第二工程局

    China Communications Construction No.2 Engineering Bureau

  3. TD-SCDMA的出现被称为是整个中国通信业的重大突破。

    TD-SCDMA has been regarded as the most important breakthrough in the communication of China .

  4. 中国通信企业正在积极寻求CRM,而CRM的核心问题是客户价值的评定。

    Chinese communication enterprise is seeking CRM actively , and the key question of CRM is the evaluation of customer value .

  5. 323是VoIP信令的主流,在中国通信市场上已被广泛接受。

    323 is the mainstream in the VoIP equipments and has been accepted in the Chinese communication market .

  6. 9月22日~23日,由中国通信学会和IIR国际会议机构共同组织的第四届中国IMT&2000移动通信国际论坛在北京召开。

    During September 22 and 23 , the 4th annual 3G Mobile China International Summit co-organized by CIC and IIR was held in Beijing .

  7. 长期以来,对未来语音技术发展方向的探讨使VOIP成为中国通信业界的一大热门话题。

    During a long time of period , VOIP has become a hot topic in China 's telecom industry after heat discussion of future development direction of voice technology .

  8. 中国通信运营企业的iERP建设探讨

    The discussion of Building iERP for Chinese Communications Enterprises

  9. 本文从减小功率通量密度损失,提高接收仰角要求出发,在理论上导出通信广播卫星的最佳轨位的数学模型,经微型计算机模拟,确定中国通信广播卫星的最佳轨位为104.25°E。

    From the viewpoint of reducing the loss of power flux density and increasing receiving elevation angle , a mathematic model of the optimization location is given . The optimization location of the satellite of China is obtained to be east longitude 104.25 degrees with computer analog .

  10. 随着我国通信运营商的重组,中国通信运营的市场格局逐渐形成,三网融合、4G的来临,各电信运营商纷纷加大投资力度,积极进行网络设备的升级换代。

    With the restructuring of the operator ' s3G market structure is gradually formed , triple play , 4G advent of telecommunications carriers have increased investment , and actively carry out the upgrading of the network equipment .

  11. 中国通信运营市场随着3G牌照的发放,面向全社会提供移动网、固话网、综合业务以满足多种差异化需求等全业务运营服务已经成为各通讯运营商的发展趋势。

    Since the issue of 3G operation licence in Chinese communications operation market , it has become a development tendency of all communications operators to supply the whole society with general services like mobile network , fixed network and comprehensive business to meet various requirements .

  12. 中国通信设备经销商华为(Huawei)和中兴通讯(ZTE)之间的专利与商标争端升级到了前所未有的水平。两者此前曾卷入欧洲与美国竞争对手发起的知识产权诉讼。

    Huawei and ZTE , the two Chinese telecommunications equipment vendors who have previously been embroiled in intellectual property litigation taken by European and American competitors , are escalating a patent and trademark dispute with one another to an unprecedented level .

  13. 2009年中国通信运营商3G网络建设全面启动,进入全业务运营阶段,所面临的竞争更加激烈,同时都共同面对传统语音业务的萎缩,用户ARPU值降低的困扰。

    Telecommunications operators in China in 2009 started construction of 3G networks , access to all stages of business operations , are facing more competition , also have to face the decrease of traditional voice service , the user ARPU value decreased disturbance .

  14. 中国通信市场现状及1998年市场走向

    Current Situation of China 's Communication Market and Trends in 1998

  15. 中国通信产业现状及未来走向初探

    The Status Quo and Future Trend of the Telecom Industry in China

  16. 中国通信制造企业跨文化管理研究

    Study on Trans-cultural Management in Chinese Telecom Manufacturing Corporation

  17. 传统观念对中国通信市场和网络发展的影响分析

    Effect of Traditional Ideas on the Development of Chinese Communication Market and Network

  18. 2005中国通信企业十大管理热点

    Ten Management Hotspots of Chinese Telecom Enterprises in 2005

  19. 中国通信产业市场现状及其存在的问题

    Present Status Problems of China 's Communications Industry Market

  20. 中国通信信息网河北分站建设方案简介

    Brief Introduction to the Hebei Substation Construction Plan of China Communication Information Network

  21. 历史的车轮滚滚向前,2007年的中国通信业将面临新的拐点。

    Asweareprogressing , China telecommunication is faced with a new turning point in2007 .

  22. 2005中国通信政策十大焦点

    Ten Focuses of Chinese Telecom Policies in 2005

  23. 中国通信业的改革与发展

    Reform and Development of China 's Telecom Industry

  24. 中国通信制造业的风险分析

    The Risk Analysis of Chinese Telecom Equipment Industry

  25. 中国通信设备制造商国内销售体系建设及分析通过通信设备取得联系。

    The Analysis of the Domestic Sales System of the Chinese Telecommunication Equipment Manufactures ;

  26. 1997年中国通信产品市场规模参考表

    Table of Chinese Communications Products Market in 1997

  27. 中国通信业的政策和业务趋势

    Policy and Service Trend of Chinese Telecom Industry

  28. 中国通信产业政策展望

    Expectation of China Communication Industry Policy

  29. 中国通信业发展探究

    Study of Telecom Industry in China

  30. 中国通信标准化协会信息

    China Communications Standards Association Information