
  1. 其中,中国政府对外声明领海基线,派遣2艘海洋侦察巡逻船在钓鱼岛附近海域巡查,国内天气预报开始播报钓鱼岛天气。

    They include a government declaration of territorial sea baselines , two China Marine Surveillance patrol ships sailing near the islands , and weather forecasts for the Diaoyu Islands being included in its domestic broadcast .

  2. 如果不能做到的话,你可能要设计一个缩水的、半敏捷的流程,但是要对外声明:不可能达到完全实施敏捷所带来的收益。

    If you can 't get it , you may need to design a hybrid , semi-Agile process-but be sure to make it known that the full gains of Agility probably won 't be achieved .

  3. 在符合有关法律和法规的前提下,两家公司计划在此意向商讨结束或达成最终协议之前将不再就此事对外发布任何其他声明。

    Subject to applicable laws and regulations , the parties plan to make no further statement about these discussions until they are terminated , or until a definitive agreement is reached .