
  1. 结果表明:单独添加维生素B1、B(12)和H均对雨生红球藻游动细胞的生长有明显的促进作用。

    The results indicated that : The growth of H. pluvialis was improved significantly by adding of Vitamin-B_1 , Vitamin-B_ ( 12 ) and Vitamin-H respectively , together two kinds or together three kinds .

  2. 通过分析软件SPSS对雨强与平均终点速度的相关性分析,得出雨强与平均终点速度无相关性。

    The software SPSS analyze the data , the result indicates that there is no relation between rainfall intensity and the average rainfall terminal speed .

  3. 低影响开发(LID)的理念是在排水之前对雨洪进行处理和管理。

    The idea behind Low Impact Development ( LID ) is to treat and manage stormwater prior to direct discharge into receiving water bodies .

  4. 仿真验证了该方案能自适应地对雨衰进行补偿,相比于固定编码调制(CCM)方式,该方案在相同链路可用度下能提高系统的频谱效率。

    The simulation results verify that the proposed scheme can adaptively compensate Ka-band rain-attenuation . Comparing to the constant coding and modulation ( CCM ) transmission scheme , the proposed scheme can effectively improve spectral efficiency under the same link availability condition .

  5. 本文在考虑多个参数对雨衰减非线性影响的基础上,建立了基于进化神经网络的雨衰减模型,并与ITU-R模型进行了比较。

    Considering the nonlinear affects of various parameters on rain attenuation , we propose a new rain attenuation model based on evolutionary neural network and compare it with the ITU-R model .

  6. 模式还揭示了850hPa中-β尺度低涡和水汽输送对雨核起到关键性作用。

    The simulated results also reveal the key impacts of the meso β low vortex at 850 hPa and the vapor transportation on the rain cores .

  7. 浅析非点源污染对雨洪过程中的水质影响

    Influence of Non spot Pollution Source on Flood Water Quality

  8. 设计暴雨的雨型对雨洪调蓄池的容积计算有很大影响。

    The volume of detention ponding is obviously affected by design storm pattern .

  9. 城市绿地系统对雨水径流调蓄及相关污染削减效应研究

    Study on the Effect of Runoff Storage and Pollution Reduction of Urban Green Space

  10. 同时对雨型特点也进行了初步的分析。

    At the same time for the rain type characteristic also makes a preliminary analysis .

  11. 本文着重分析了这种非饱和状态对雨水入渗及路面排水的影响。

    This paper focuses on this non-saturation of water infiltration and drainage of the road .

  12. 紫色土区小流域泥沙输出过程对雨型和空间尺度的响应

    Response of sediment flow behavior to storm type and spatial scale in purple soil watershed

  13. 北京城市土地资源利用变化对雨洪径流的影响

    Impacts on the Runoff of Rain Flood by the Change of land Resources Utilization in Beijing

  14. 通过对雨滴谱资料的分析,可以促进对高原地区云物理特征的了解。

    The analysis of raindrop-size distribution can deepen the understanding of cloud physical characteristics over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau .

  15. 论证了城市绿地系统对雨水径流削减作用和调蓄作用。

    The reduction and reservoir action of urban green land system on the storm runoff is demonstrated .

  16. 本文对雨污联合排水系统在钢铁企业的应用作了初步的分析,供参考。

    The applications of the rain water in the iron and steel enterprises are discussed , for reference .

  17. 对雨养水稻来说,气候变率对广州、长沙两地的产量有正面影响,且这种影响与变率呈正相关;

    To rainfed rice , climate variability has a positive effect on its yield in Guangzhou and Changsha .

  18. 地表水层对雨滴溅蚀有削弱作用。

    The surface water layers played the weaken role on raindrop splash erosion , whenraindrop energy was constant .

  19. 在两种情况下,雨养小麦和灌溉小麦的变化趋势基本一致,并且未来的气候条件对雨养小麦的正面影响要大于灌溉小麦。

    It seems that the rainfed wheat would more beneficial than the irrigated wheat from the Climate Change .

  20. 在该粒子系统中,对雨、雪的仿真模型作了适当简化以满足视景仿真的实时性要求。

    In the particle system , simulation model of snow and rain is simplified to satisfy the real-time demand of visual simulation .

  21. 根据部件动力学分析的结果和机械故障理论,对雨刮器的故障机理进行解释,说明了故障的传递路径。

    According to components dynamics analysis results and mechanic failure theory , explained wiper failure mechanism , explained the failure transfer pathway .

  22. 在用环形培养池模拟系统培养雨生红球藻的过程中,研究了温度对雨生红球藻生物量及虾青素产量的影响。

    The effects of temperature on the biomass , astaxanthin yield and astaxanthin content of Haematococcus pluvialis cultured in imitation system of circular pond has been investigated .

  23. 试验结果表明,改进的高分辨率模式不论对雨区范围的分布还是对暴雨中心值的预报一般都优于原模式。

    The forecast tests indicate the prediction of improved high resolution model is mainly better than original model both in rain areas and in rain storm centres .

  24. 因此雨区南侧低空偏南湿急流的存在对雨区暖盖的增强极为有利。

    Therefore , the existence of moist low level jet in the south or south-west of the rainfall region is favorable to the development of the lid .

  25. 在极化域中对雨介质和目标的电磁波散射特性进行了研究.得出了雨区的散射矩阵和目标的散射矩阵。

    The electromagnetic scattering characteristics of rain media and targets are discussed in the polarization field , with the scattering matrix of rain area and targets are obtained .

  26. 最后,对雨生红球藻粉进行了卫生安全性和毒理学评价,为雨生红球藻在动物和人体中的抗氧化作用的研究提供了第一手资料。

    Finally , the assessment on hygiene safety and toxicology were carried out , which provided the directed information for study on astaxanthin antioxidation in animal andhuman further .

  27. 结果表明:模拟的上升气流对雨强测量的影响大于下沉气流,垂直气流速率越大雨强测量误差愈显著;

    The main results were obtained that : ( 1 ) The measured error on rain rate caused by the updraft is larger than that by the downdraft in the vertical direction .

  28. 采用三维渗流有限单元法对雨成电站左坝肩渗流场进行数值分析,找出引起左坝肩渗流的基本原因。

    Seepage feature and calculation of applying three-dimensional finite element method for Yucheng power station is described so as to find out the reason of seepage of left part of the dam .

  29. 城市雨洪系统是复杂系统,不同地域有着不同的特征,城市功能定位不同对雨洪研究的要求不同,需要综合各方面的因素,采用有效的方法开展研究。

    The urban water environment is a complicated system . According to the different urban function orientation , the different effective research methods need to be adopted based on an overall consideration of the factors .

  30. 综合运用反常分析预报、统计预报和相似预报,可以对徐州地区夏收期间雨量分布的趋势作出判断,其中应特别注重对雨涝年的分析和判断。

    The integrate application of unusual analysis forecast , statistical forest and analogue forecast can judge the trend of rainfall amount distribution during summer harvest period , and the rain waterlogging years should be especially attached attention to .