
  • 网络aim satellite
  1. 也引入了新的SETOPTIMIZATIONENVIRONMENT选项,用于影响优化器对星型连接计划的考虑。

    New SET OPTIMIZATION ENVIRONMENT options are also introduced for influencing optimizer consideration of star join plans .

  2. 地形起伏对星载SAR像素定位影响的仿真分析

    Analysis of Spaceborne SAR Pixel Location Influenced by Terrain Variation

  3. 卫星耦合运动姿态对星载SAR多普勒参数的影响

    Doppler Parameter Change of Satellite-Borne SAR Affected by Satellite Attitude in Coupled Movement

  4. 精密卫星钟差加密方法及其对星载GPS低轨卫星定轨精度影响

    Densification Methods of GPS Satellite Clock Errors and Their Impact on Orbit Determination Precision of LEOs

  5. 利用小波变换技术对星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)图象斑点噪声进行抑制与滤除。

    A speckle restraint algorithm was described for satellite SAR image using wavelet transform .

  6. 在发射之前要对星载合成孔径雷达各分机进行全面的、完整的地面测试,确保其工作的可靠性,对星载SAR的研制很重要。

    It is important to synthetically test the overall SAR system on the ground .

  7. 电离层对星载SAR矩形包络线性调频信号的影响

    Ionospheric Effects on Linear FM Rectangular Envelope Signals

  8. 基于GPS测量的编队飞行的主星轨道对星间基线确定的影响

    Influences of the Master Satellite Orbit on the Inter-satellite Baseline Determination for GPS-based Formation Flying Satellite System

  9. 用矢量法对星载SAR的Doppler参数进行分析。

    This paper introduces a vector method to estimate the Doppler parameter for spaceborne SAR .

  10. 太阳帆板振动对星载CCD相机成像的影响

    Influence of array elasticity vibration on CCD image

  11. T/R组件频响特性对星载SAR系统性能的影响

    Influence of Frequency Response Characteristics of T / R Modules on Spaceborne SAR System Performance

  12. PID算法对星间光通信ATP子系统跟踪控制带宽的影响研究

    Research on the influence of PID to ATP control width in Inter-satellite optical communications

  13. 压制式干扰是对抗星载SAR的重要手段,目前对星载SAR实施压制式干扰的方法可分为直达波压制干扰和间接波压制干扰。

    The oppressive jamming that includes direct-wave jamming and indirect wave jamming is an important countermeasure against space-borne SAR .

  14. 通过模拟实验分析了地球的曲面效应对星载SAR地形高度估计的影响.利用该方法能提高高度估计精度并且不需考虑去除平地效应。

    The accuracy of terrain height can be improved and effect of flat earth be not considered by using the method .

  15. 天线方向图的准确测量,对星载SAR图像的应用具有重要作用。分布目标辐射定标在星载SAR天线方向图测试中受到广泛重视。

    Accurate measurement of antenna pattern is important to spaceborne SAR image application , and distributed target antenna pattern measurement is widely concerned .

  16. 分别对星载SAR处理的雷达回波信号、距离处理、方位处理、多视处理和多普勒参数估计几个主要部分进行了分析和讨论。

    Several important parts are analysed and discussed , which include echo signal , azimuth processing , range processing multi-looks processing and Doppler parameters estimation for spaceborne SAR .

  17. SAR原始回波信号的相关性较差,因此基于数据相关性的传统压缩方法对星载SAR回波信号的数据压缩不再实用。

    The traditional compression methods based on the data correlation have not been used to compress SAR raw data , because SAR raw signal lacks the correlated characteristics .

  18. 逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR):随着对星状病毒培养、分离及测序的成功,星状病毒的RT-PCR检测法也就应运而生。

    Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) . With the success of the cultivation , separation and sequencing of astrovirus , RT-PCR assay also emerged .

  19. 定标场运行管理软件系统的开发实现了对星载SAR的定标工作管理,提高了定标执行效率,节省了大量人力物力。

    The emergence of the Calibration Management System not only realizes the management of the spaceborne SAR calibration , but also enhances the efficiency and saves material and human resources .

  20. 为了对星载干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)系统信号处理研究提供数据源,研究了系统干涉信号的模拟。

    In order to supply data to the signal processing study of spaceborne InSAR system , the interferometric signal simulation was studied .

  21. 简化DDF算法及其在单星对星无源定轨跟踪中的应用

    Simplified DDF Algorithm and the Application for Satellite-to-Satellite Passive Orbit Determination and Tracking

  22. MEMS在推进系统中的应用,能够满足微小型卫星对星载推进系统小型化、微推力、高精度的要求。

    It can be concluded that MEMS-based propulsion can meet the requirement of miniaturization , micro thrust and high accurate impulse bit for the propulsion system of micro satellite .

  23. 并且,分析了距离徙动产生的机理。然后,对星载合成孔径雷达的回波信号模型进行了详细的分析,讨论了SAR波数域成像算法,并与RD算法做了比较和分析。

    In addition , an analysis of the range cell migration away from the mechanism . Afterwards , the Wavenumber algorithm is discussed , and compared with RD algorithm .

  24. 比较分析了普通广义卡尔曼滤波(EKF)与迭代广义卡尔曼滤波(IEKF)算法对星载计算机的运算、存贮要求。

    The operations and storage resource requirements of two algorithms ( EKF and IEKF ) are analyzed .

  25. IBMInformixServerV11.70引入了星型连接优化,这种优化利用下推(push-down)散列连接技术来提高对星型和雪花模式进行决策支持查询的查询性能。

    IBM Informix Server V11.70 introduces star join optimization that utilizes push-down hash join technology to improve query performance for decision support queries on star and snowflake schemas .

  26. 详细地论述了椭圆轨道条件下星载SAR目标的多普勒特性,推导了卫星姿态变化下多普勒参数的表达式,证明了卫星姿态变化对星载SAR成像的影响。

    The paper discusses in detail the Doppler property of the space-borne SAR target in the elliptical orbit , deduces the Doppler parameters expression with the satellite attitude variety , and illuminates the impact of satellite attitude changes to the space-borne SAR imaging .

  27. 在深入研究高级在轨系统(AOS)标准和对星载数据系统进行分析的基础上,设计实现了AOS虚拟信道链路控制器和虚拟信道数据单元(VCDU)合路器。

    Presented the virtual channel control unit and VCDU ( virtual channel data unit ) multiplexing unit based on the AOS ( advanced orbit system ) recommendation , which were prepared by consultative committee of data system .

  28. 通过对星、地资料反演的草冠层叶面温度比较发现,二者反演结果相差小于0.2K,说明利用卫星遥感资料,应用LSF概念模型反演草场冠层叶面温度可获得比较满意的结果。

    The difference between the retrieved leaf temperatures from these two different data sources is less than 0.2k , which means that the grass canopy leaf temperature can be retrieved satisfactorily through LSF conceptual model combined with satellite data .

  29. 指出接收天线瞄准角误差对星间光通信质量影响很大,在瞄准角误差的标准偏差σ小于1μrad范围内,系统误码率小于1-06。

    It is pointed out that the pointing error of receiving antenna will have a great influence on the quality of the intersatellite optical communication , and the system BER will be less than 10-6 while the standard deviation σ of the pointing error is less than 1 μ rad .

  30. 研究了放牧对星毛委陵菜种群空间格局的影响;

    The effect of grazing on the spatial patterns was studied .