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  1. 如前所述,婚姻的形式是逐渐接近一夫一妻制的对偶婚制。

    The form of marriage , as already said , was a pairing marriage which was gradually approaching monogamy .

  2. 归反映的婚嫁习俗&兼谈家、室与对偶婚制

    Marriage Customs Reflected by " Gui " & also on " Jia " " Shi " and Paring Marriage System

  3. 婚姻自古至今的发展,其大体经历了乱婚期、群婚制、对偶婚制、一夫一妻制四个阶段。

    Marriage is a product of social development , which generally experienced the four stages : chaotic marriage , group marriage , dual marriage , monogamy .

  4. 在斯巴达,是一种由国家根据当地的观点而改变了的对偶婚制,这种对偶婚制在有些方面还像群婚。

    The recognized form of marriage in Sparta was a pairing marriage , modified according to the Spartan conceptions of the state , in which there still survived vestiges of group marriage .

  5. 从群婚状态到对偶婚制,从母系氏族到父系氏族,姓氏与婚姻的关系经历了根本性的演变,逐步走向伦理规范。

    From the state of communal marriage to the institution of antitheses marriage , from matriarchal clan to paternal clan , the relationship between surname and marriage had gone through foundamental development , and it goes to ethical standard progressively .