
wàn shì
  • everything;all things
万事 [wàn shì]
  • [all things;everything] 一切事情;全部事情

  • 万事如意

万事[wàn shì]
  1. 请记住:万事总是开头难。

    Remember , all things are difficult before they are easy .

  2. 只有上帝是知道万事的,也只有上帝不再需要学习新的事物。

    God knows all things , so He never has to learn anything .

  3. 我们祝你万事如意。

    We wish you every success .

  4. 温切斯特先生知识广博,通晓万事。

    Mr Winchester is impressively knowledgeable about all manner of things .

  5. 她告诉他自己万事都是为了他好。

    She told him she only had his interests at heart .

  6. 他万事无忧,日子过得十分悠游自在。

    Nothing worried him , he was really laid back

  7. 再来一只麦克风,你就万事俱备了。

    All you need is a microphone , and you 're in business .

  8. 坟墓之外也许还有些什么,你知道,并非万事皆空。

    There might be something beyond the grave , you know , and not nothingness .

  9. 万事开头难,别因此而灰心。

    It may be difficult to do at first . Don 't let this discourage you .

  10. 很难万事如意。

    You can 't expect everything to turn out as you wish .

  11. 万事开头难。

    Everything 's hard in the beginning .

  12. 万事不顺。

    All went awry .

  13. 一旦无常万事休。

    When death comes , everything is over .

  14. 万事俱备,只欠东风。

    Everything is ready except one key element .

  15. 祝万事如意。

    May everything turn out as you wish .

  16. 祝您万事如意。

    May everything be fine for you .

  17. 万事俱备。

    Preparation has been made .

  18. 我祝你生活幸福、万事如意。

    I wish you the life of happiness and prosperity .

  19. 古代,卫国有个姓东的人,对世界上的万事万物都不感兴趣,唯独爱好养猫。

    In ancient times , a man surnamed Dong in the State of Wei was interested in nothing but keeping cats .

  20. Twitter上市一事似乎万事俱备只欠东风,包括拥有强有力的管理层和巨大的增长潜力。

    The company has its pre-IPO ducks in a row , including strong management and tremendous growth potential .

  21. 没过几天,这个名为万事皆有可能(impossibleisnothing)的视频短片的链接就通过电子邮件发到了全世界,并在YouTube网站面向无数观众播出。

    Within days the link to the video , Impossible is Nothing , had been e-mailed all over the globe , and was playing on YouTube to huge audiences .

  22. 如果你发现自己很想说「录用,但我的团队不要。」,请直接把这句话翻译成「不录用」那就万事OK了。

    If you find yourself tempted to say " Hire , but not in my team ," simply translate that mechanically to " No Hire " and you 'll be OK .

  23. 在道格拉斯亚当斯(DouglasAdams)的笔下写出过很多有关人生、宇宙以及万事万物的洞见,其中之一是他关于在出版行业什么才是决定成功的真正驱动因素的解释。

    One of the many insights about life , the universe and everything from the pen of Douglas Adams was his explanation of what really drives success in the publishing sector .

  24. 他表示:当万事俱备时,他们还必须解决如何销售广告的问题。他认为,比起广播公司的传统销售团队,GoogleAdSense这样的专业在线广告网络会更加出色。

    When all that happens they 'll still have to figure out how to sell advertising , he added , arguing that specialist online advertising networks such as Google AdSense could do a better job than broadcasters ' traditional sales teams .

  25. 对朱莉亚而言,万事万物都需回溯到她的性意识。

    With Julia , everything came back to her own sexuality .

  26. 物理学家们通常称什么为万事理论?

    What physicists often refer to as the theory of everything ?

  27. 可事实却是:万事无绝对。

    But the fact is : nothing comes with a guarantee .

  28. 新年将至,万事俱备。

    The new year 's here and we 're all ready .

  29. 唉,即便是最好的书也不能使万事都变得简单。

    Alas , even the best book can 't makeeverything easy .

  30. 新年新气象,祝福你万事从头开门红!

    Wishing you all the New Year from at the beginning !