
  • 网络All Creatures Great and Small
  1. 大手术后,她更深刻地体会到万物生灵的奇妙所在。

    After a serious operation she more fully appreciated the wonders of creation .

  2. 然而万物生灵,自有其生存在法则,也有和人类一样,享受生命的权利。

    However , all creatures in the world have the right to live as human beings .

  3. 空气对于印第安人是珍贵的,因为万物生灵都同此呼吸。

    The air is precious to the red man for all things share the same breath .

  4. 因能量的存在,世间才变得五彩缤纷、绚丽夺目、万物生灵;

    Due to the presence of energy , the world was becoming colorful , shiny , all creatures spiritual ;

  5. 气是万物生灵生命基础的始源,人类的一切活动都离不开气的支撑。

    Breath is life all creatures on the basis of the beginning of the source , all human activity group of support in our country .

  6. 其实,太阳哥哥也不想得罪万物生灵,只是他在执行老天爷的命令。

    In fact , In fact , the sun my brother did not want to offend all things creature , but he was in the implementation of God 's order .

  7. 也许正是因为这种崇拜和信仰,才使得他们不惧怕面对今世的苦难,可以宽容而平等地面对生命与自然界的万物生灵。

    Perhaps it was because of such worship and belief that they got the strength to face the difficulties in this life and treat every creature with the same tolerance and equality .

  8. 施托克豪森对电子音乐有着强烈的激情&二十世纪五十年代,他似乎是突如其来地给全世界的万物生灵带来了一种纯洁与清亮的声音,就像“阳光下的些许小雨点”。

    Stockhausen 's great passion was electronic music , which in the1950s seemed suddenly to give a pure , bright sound , like " raindrops in the sun ", to all the processes of the universe .

  9. 《万物生灵》的主题围绕社区和家庭,把大家带回那个更加充满善意又温柔的世界,与当下我们生活的复杂又残酷的环境形成鲜明对比。

    There was something about All Creatures Great and Small with its themes of community and family , harking back to a kinder , gentler world , compared to the divided , complex and rather brutal one that we 're now living in .

  10. 据说,盘古把天地开辟出来后,女娲看到这么美好的大自然需要有主宰其间万物的生灵。

    It is said that , after Pan Gu separated heaven from earth , Nu Wa thought that the world needed a sort of living soul to dominate all the creatures .