
  • 网络All things in one;Everything at once
  1. 这种与万物一体的感觉,就是真爱。

    Feeling the oneness of yourself with all things is true love .

  2. 这个学派的中心思想是,万物一体。

    The key thought of this school was that all things are integrated .

  3. 儒者之乐是人通过长期修养而获得的一种万物一体的感受和达到内在精神统一后的心灵和谐。

    Their happiness is a feeling of universal unity and spiritual harmony obtained after long hardships .

  4. 那就是“万物一体”这个基本认识,以及个性化是灾祸之主因,

    a recognition that whatever exists is of a piece , and that individuation is the root of all evil ;

  5. 从万物一体看王阳明治世的平等思想

    Wang Yangming 's Thought on the Equality of Ruling and the View of " All Things in an Organic Whole "

  6. 始基的存在奠定了天人同构、万物一体的思维框架。

    The existence of universe origin was based on the thinking framework that the God and man had the same structure .

  7. 人们在这种观赏中,体验到人与万物一体的境界,从而得到极大的精神愉悦。

    People in this appreciation , experience realm of man and nature , thus , gain greatly the spirit of joy .

  8. 阳明一生都在努力追求实现“成圣”和万物一体的终极价值理想。

    Yang-ming pursues actualizing " being a saint " and the highest ideal of " myriad things share one body " in all his life .

  9. 它是内在尺度和外在尺度相统一的尺度,体现了万物一体的原则。外在因素的作用是导火线;

    It is the combination of inner and outside values and reflects the principles of nature unification . The last , there are some random factors .

  10. 由此,他调整了儒学传统对位的理解,认为位已不是实现万物一体之政的必要条件。

    Therefore , he adjusts the traditional understanding of position , and points out that it was no longer the necessary condition to complete " everything has a same substance " .

  11. 而以生命主义为特征的儒家价值观反映到天人关系上就是天人合一,万物一体,主张人性和天道的统一。

    Confucian values which character is the doctrine of life is the harmony between the heaven and the human , all in one , advocate the unity of human nature and Heaven .

  12. 万物一体是中国由古而来的关于天人关系的观念,认为人与天地万物之间在本质上相通。

    Since Chinese ancient times , the argument had been about the relationship between Tian and human , and the argument thought that the human being and everything are consistent in essence .

  13. 植根于浙江文化传统的浙江人文精神的具体内容主要体现在五个方面:一、天人合一,万物一体的整体和谐精神;

    Zhejiang 's humane spirit , originated from culture tradition , manifests itself into five aspects : 1.the spirit of integration and harmony , advocating ' all creatures are interrelated in the universe ';

  14. 这些思考呈现出“天人合一”(万物一体)的总体特征,其中蕴涵着丰富的古典形态的生态美学智慧。

    His thoughts demonstrate the total characteristics of " Harmony between Man and Nature " ( Everything on the Earth Being of the Same Body ) which deposit abundant ecological aesthetics wisdom of classical form .

  15. 晚年思想更为成熟,提出了致良知宗旨,并把万物一体概念与其良知说结合起来诠释《大学》,于是便有了《大学问》的问世。

    In the later years , his thought was more mature , and he proposed the purpose of the extension of Innate Knowledge . He put up the concept of " All in one " with his theory about innate knowledge .

  16. 为此,人类正是通过自身文化、艺术传统的禀承与创造,运用有限的“艺术表现”会意无限的可能存在,来实现“万物一体”的“诗意地栖居”。

    Humanity has realized " coexistence universal " and " poetic flavour dwell ", on which exactly are based the endowment and creation of tradition of culture and art , for which apply limitative display of art to imply infinitely possible existence .

  17. 本文从海德格尔面对的存在论如何可能这一时代的问题出发,将传统本体论分为两大阶段,然后把海德格尔奠基性的存在之思概述为基础存在论和万物一体的存在论。

    My thesis , starting from the question in Heidegger 's time that how to develop ontology , divides traditional ontology into two broad stages , and then , generalize Heidegger 's foundational idea " the thought of being " as " foundation ontology " and " universal unity " .

  18. 在自然观方面,中国古代哲学持的是一种天人合一的有机论宇宙整体观,即所谓的人天同构、人道与天道同理、人与天地参、天人合一、万物一体。

    In China 's ancient philosophy , the outlook on the whole universe held that the outside world and human formed a unity . That is , the universe and human beings have the same structure , same principles , infiltrate into each other and merge into an organic whole .

  19. 如何在万物为一体的情况下调和不同的思想观念呢?

    How to gear different thoughts and concepts to the concept that everything is integrative ?

  20. 一个人修行之后,他会变成越来越跟万物同一体,他的财产,就变成大家的财产。

    When a person practices , he gradually becomes one with the world , and his property becomes that of the world .

  21. 愈为人着想,就愈能扩展我们自己,使自己扩展到跟万物同一体,我们就成佛了。

    The more we consider people , the more we expand ourselves ; expand until we become one with everything , and we become buddha .

  22. 我祈祷我们两只脚的,打开心胸看见所有的事物内在的神性,而且体会万物同一体。

    I pray that we , the two-leggeds , will open our hearts to see the sacredness in all things , and to know that we are all one .

  23. 修行人奉行万物为一体的观念,因此发展出爱惜生命,不杀生,以及民胞物与等的信念。

    A man of practice attaches much importance to integration of all creatures so he develops the ideas of loving life , ahimsa and things and human are from the same mother .

  24. 若自我烟消云散,存在成为我的家,与万物合为一体。

    When my ego disappears , the whole existence is my home , and you become one with all things .

  25. 所以当人们视万物与其为一体时,他的心就平静了,沉稳,宁静成为可能,修行之路就迈开了。

    So when people look everything as integration , his mind become peaceful , stable and tranquil and the way to practice is open to him .

  26. 以主客二分为前提的主体论美学不能保证人与自然万物的本源一体性,因而遮蔽了生态美。

    However , subjective aesthetics , based on the polarization of subject and object , cannot guarantee the original integration of man and nature and , as a result , shrouds ecological beauty .

  27. 佛陀觉悟到,万物原本都是一体的,一切都在不可思议的因缘中分离著,同时又契合著。

    The Buddha woke up to the fact that all things are originally the same substance , and though everything is separated by unknowable causes , everything is still in harmony at the same time .

  28. 首先,将偏见设法去除。尊敬、爱护万物。视万物为一体,所谓民胞物与。

    At the beginning , prejudice should be riddled and all things should be respected and cared , being regarded as an integration , which is called " Extensive loving all things " .