
  • 网络magneto;Erik Lensherr;Michael Fassbender
  1. 弗兹最近的、也是最反地心引力的《X战警》项目,是制作万磁王鞋子&他用这双鞋子在自己工作室的天花板上行走。

    In his most recent and most gravity-defying X-Men project , Mr. Furze set out to make Magneto shoes & magnetic boots he used to walk on the ceiling of his workshop .

  2. 万磁王想要开战,我们就满足他。

    Magneto wants a war . we 'll give him one .

  3. 你抓到的只是一个被激怒的万磁王。

    You know , her capture will only provoke magneto .

  4. 万磁王现在已经兵临城下,你得进行战斗而且可能回不了家了.她可能也回不了了,你准备好了吗?

    Magneto 's got an army out there . You gotta war , you might not come home . She might not come home , you ready for that ?