
  • Deadpool;Deadpool, Weapon XI;Wade Wilson
  1. 比赛的发起人CynthiaLee透露说,一只扮着漫画书籍《死侍》里角色的红色服饰的狗狗赢得了着装比赛。

    Founder Cynthia Lee revealed that a dog dressed as comic book character Deadpool ( in red ) won the costume contest

  2. 2016年上映的《死侍》算是漫威X战警系列电影之一,但是却和其他超级英雄电影大相径庭——这部电影让那些喜爱成年人幽默的观众乐不可支。

    Deadpool ( 2016 ) was part of the X-Men series by Marvel . But it was different from other superhero films - it was a movie for people who wanted to laugh a little more at the kind of humor that adults enjoy .

  3. Reese和Wernick是大片《死侍》前两部的编剧,在那之前,他们也写过《僵尸之地》及它的续集,迈克尔·贝正在拍摄的动作片《地下6号》也来自他们。

    Reese & Wernick are the writers behind the first two Deadpool blockbusters , and before that wrote Zombieland and its sequel , and 6 Underground , the action film that Michael Bay is directing .

  4. 许多原班人马都将回归(包括TJ米勒和女主角莫瑞娜巴卡琳),你可以放心,续集中会有更多粗俗笑话和过火的暴力,正是这些让《死侍》不同于这个时代的其他超级英雄电影。

    Much of the same cast is returning ( T.J. Miller and Morena Baccarin chief among them ) and you can be sure it will have more of the same crude jokes and over-the-top violence that made Deadpool unlike any other superhero movies of our time .

  5. 不过在《死侍》中,瑞恩完美演绎了主人公。

    But in Deadpool , Reynolds completely rocked the title role .

  6. 《死侍》是最新一部打破之前超级英雄窠臼的电影。

    Deadpool is the latest film to smash the former superhero mold .

  7. 值得一提的是,《死侍》在过去24天的上映日当中,已经斩获了3.112亿美元。

    The film has grossed 311.2 million dollars over 24 days of showings .

  8. 几乎没能预料到《死侍》会成为如此成功的商业电影。

    Few could have foreseen the huge commercial success of the movie Deadpool .

  9. 《死侍》的成功也标志着超级英雄电影的转型。

    The success of Deadpool marks a shift in the direction of superhero movies .

  10. 死侍的未婚妻瓦妮莎,以及在第一部中出现的诸多角色也将在新片中亮相。

    He 's rejoined by his fiancee Vanessa , as well as other characters from the first film .

  11. 上映两周,《死侍》蝉联全球票房周冠军,拿下4.92亿美元(约32亿人民币)。

    Deadpool topped the worldwide box office for two weeks , raking in $ 492 million ( 3.2 billion yuan ) .

  12. 《死侍》在2016年上映时,震惊了所有人——不仅口碑爆表而且票房大丰收。

    When Deadpool was released in 2016 , it shocked everyone - both with glowing critical reviews and a massive box office haul .

  13. 而同样是限制级动作电影的《死侍》也在这个周末表现良好,在上映的第三个周末拿下了1640万美元的票房成绩。

    And the R-rated thriller " Deadpool " had another good weekend , with 16.4 million dollars on its third weekend of exhibition .

  14. 近年来,《死侍》(2016)、《蚁人》(2015)等漫画改编电影也吸引了大批观众。

    And over the past few decades , comic book movies such as Deadpool ( 2016 ) and Ant-Man ( 2015 ) have gained huge popularity among moviegoers .

  15. 我问她:“你买到票了吗?”她回答说:“买了,但是《雪域之恋》满座了,所以我买了两张《死侍》的票。”

    I asked her " did you get the tickets " ? She said " yes , but Fitoor was full , so I bought two tickets for Deadpool . "

  16. 《死侍》原作得益于非常有创意的成功营销,所以如果你在年后看到又一轮病毒式营销活动,不必感到太惊讶。

    The original Deadpool benefited from a very creative and successful marketing campaign , so don 't be shocked to see another viral marketing campaign crop up sometime after New Year .

  17. 令人更为关注的是,《自杀小队》能否超过福克斯于今年2月份上映的R级片《死侍》。《死侍》的首映票房是令人咋舌的1.324亿美元。

    The bigger question is whether it can match Fox 's Deadpool , the R-rated superhero movie that rocketed to a 132.4 million dollars domestic opening this past February despite an R-rating .

  18. 在新片中,瑞安·雷诺兹将继续扮演唯利是图的韦德·威尔逊,也就是死侍,爱讲段子,同时也满嘴跑脏话。

    In this new movie , Ryan Reynolds will again play the mercenary Wade Wilson , or Deadpool , who likes to tell jokes and use as many swear words as he can .

  19. 我妻子和我去看电影,她想看《雪域之恋》而我想看《死侍》,她逼着我去买《雪域之恋》的票而我坚决要看《死侍》,在我们到电影院之前我们一直就此争论不休。

    My wife and I went to see a movie . She wanted to see Fitoor and I wanted to see Deadpool . She was forcing me to take tickets of Fitoor and I decided that we should watch Deadpool . We discussed on the same topic till we reached the theater .