
  • 网络The Death Star;Second Death Star
  1. 弥留之际,他向TK-622承认了自己的罪过,不一会儿,死星就在雅文战役中爆炸了。

    As he convalesced , he admitted his guilt to TK-622 moments before the Death Star exploded at the Battle of Yavin .

  2. 如果第一个死星没有被摧毁会是什么样子?

    What if the first Death Star hadn 't been destroyed ?

  3. 这个起义军士兵透露了关于死星计划的消息。

    This Rebel had the news of the Death Star operation .

  4. 那个摧毁我们死星的年轻人。

    The young rebel who destroyed the death star .

  5. 加入我我们一起建造我的新乐高死星

    Join me and together , we 'll build my new Llego Death Star

  6. 这叫做死星组合

    This is called the Death Star Configuration .

  7. 我会在我家把死星的大体结构搭好

    I 'll knock out the basic bones of the Death Star at my place

  8. 作为上校,他被调动到高层的死星赴任。

    As a Colonel , he was transferred to the high profile Death Star assignment .

  9. 换言之,死星在奥德兰星球上引起了一场里氏15级的地震2。

    To put it another way , the Death Star caused a magnitude 15 earthquake on Alderaan .

  10. 马卡蒂后来陪同皇帝登上第二死星并在恩多之战中勉强得以存活。

    Makati would narrowly survive the Battle of Endor , having been aboard Death Star II with the Emperor .

  11. 这颗像死星一样的黑色天体在被太阳光完全吞没之后,又迅速飞向太空。

    The black , death star-like , orb is briefly engulfed in light from the sun , then flies off into space .

  12. 帕尔帕廷故意让义军侦察员获得第二颗死星的位置,预见到他们的突击队和舰队会来进攻。

    Palpatine allowed Rebel spies to learn of the location of the second Death Star , and foresaw their strike team and fleet assault .

  13. 莫夫塔金总督的死星遭反抗军摧毁时,维德被认为消失在宇宙深渊中了。

    When Grand Moff Tarkin 's Death Star was destroyed by the Rebels , it was believed that Vader had been lost to the void .

  14. 一个黑洞,简单地说,是一个巨大的,死星的引力是如此强烈,甚至比光线也无法逃脱,因而得名。

    A black hole , simply put , is a massive , dead star whose gravity is so intense than even light cannot escape , hence its name .

  15. 这些设计图是由起义军间谍窃取的,其中包含了“死星”战斗太空站的完整技术数据,可以确保义军同盟在抗击帝国的作战中赢得一场重大胜利。

    These plans , the complete technical readouts of the Death Star battle station , could be exploited by the Alliance to secure a sizable victory over the Empire .

  16. 入侵坦蒂夫四号后,维达匪徒迅速拷问舰队成员,以获取被盗的“死星”设计图纸(据说藏在舰上)。

    Aboard the Tantive IV , Vader 's troops are quick to begin interrogating its crew for information on the stolen Death Star plans believed to be on board .

  17. 每个人都做过一些坏事,甚至谋杀犯,或者一些人用“死星”炸掉了一个星球,都是想解决问题。

    Everyone who does something bad – even a murderer , or someone who blows up a planet with the'Death Star ' – is trying to solve a problem .

  18. 从他初次驾临死星2号的那一刻起,皇帝让人们更清楚地认识到,是他在自始至终掌控着一切。

    The Emperor , from the moment he first touched down on Death Star II , made it clear that it was he who was in charge all along .

  19. 故事背景设定于《星球大战3:西斯的复仇》和《星球大战4:新希望》之间,起义军盗取死星设计图,将很有可能成为被重金追杀的对象。

    Set between the events of Star Wars Episode III and IV , Rogue One will most likely be about bounty hunters who set out to steal the Death Star plans .

  20. 所以,当下次再为营救云城朋友而中断绝地训练争辩时,想想是谁在进攻死星中击退了达斯维德。

    So next time you 're debating leaving Jedi training to rescue your friends from Cloud City , remember who it was that shot down Darth Vader during the Death Star attack .

  21. 在恩多战场上空的死星里,卢克拒绝接受皇帝新发现的黑暗面力量,于是帕尔帕廷使用致命的原力闪电攻击这位年轻的绝地。

    In the Death Star , high above the Battle of Endor , Luke refused the Emperor 's newfound dark side power , and so Palpatine used his deadly Force lightning to attack the young Jedi .