
  • 网络flock of dudes
  1. 因为斯特凡和他的死党们不会来

    Because then stefan and his B.F.F. Won 't come .

  2. 我们决定把死党们聚集起来给我们的朋友萨尔办一个迟来的迎婴派对。

    So , we decided to get the gang together to throw our friend Sal a belated baby shower .

  3. 让你的死党们将她们不想要的东西分类好,然后聚在一个地方来次盛大的交换会。

    Get your BFFs to sort out their unwanted stuff and all gather in one place for a mega swap session .

  4. 在丛林里听菲尔讲了三天他的前啦啦队死党们…老掉牙的故事,自然流畅的人形金字塔,不断更新他们啦啦队的微博客…

    Three days in the woods with Phil 's ex-cheerleader buddies -- the old stories , the spontaneous human pyramids , constantly updating their tumbler Tumblr --

  5. 爱清净的长辈可以坐在相对安静的地方,爱着闹的大学死党们可以顺理成章地“霸占”舞台附近的位置。

    Love is kosher elders can sit in a relatively quiet place , love at the university friends can be logical to " occupy " the stage near the location of .