
  • 网络Totentanz;Dance of the Dead;The Dance of Death
  1. 吾将加入死亡之舞。

    I will join the dance of death .

  2. 这也正是斗牛又被称做“死亡之舞”的原因所在。

    This is why a bull fighting match is also known as the dance of death .

  3. 一道电光闪过,跳着狂烈的死亡之舞,接着雷声从广阔天空的四面八方传来。

    The lightning flashed in a wild dance of death , and thunder came from every part of the huge sky .

  4. 由于布洛克转移了死神的注意力,约夫和米亚携最终孩子逃离了出去,但他和侍从却被困在了城堡中,并被死神拖入“死亡之舞”的圆阵中。

    Subsequently , he diverts Death 's attention so that Jof and Mia can escape with their baby while he and his company are trapped in his castle and forced to join in the Dance of Death .