
  1. 如果不能判断像url3那样声明的变量是否是一个服务器-相对URL,那么所有以这种方式发出的请求都将导致死链。

    If it is unable to determine if a variable declared like url_3 is a server-relative URL , then all requests that are issued in this way will result in dead links .

  2. 由于银行为了控制通货膨胀而命令登记资金等级进而收回了通常贷款,正常时刻曾经是短暂的流动性迫仓现在却成了死链。

    What might in normal times have been a brief liquidity squeeze became a death grip , as banks ordered to keep record levels of funds in reserves to fight inflation withheld even routine loans .