
sǐ huì
  • meet after death
  1. 想到人终有一死会感到不舒服,但我们不得不去面对。

    It is uncomfortable to think of our own death , but we need to

  2. Andie的死会对Damon有影响吗?

    Will Andies death have any effect on Damon ?

  3. 他认为她弟弟的死会对她的工作有帮助。

    He thought it would help her work through her brother 's death .

  4. 乔伊丝似乎知道,自己的死会给麦昆脆弱的心灵带来严重伤害。

    Joyce seemed to understand what her death might do to his fragile psyche .

  5. 一想到我的死会给他们带来悲伤,我便痛苦不已。

    It is painful for me to think that even in death I should cause them pain .

  6. 其中一个迫切的问题是,本·拉登之死会对业紧张的美巴关系造成怎样的影响。

    One pressing question is what bin Laden 's death means for the already strained US-Pakistani relationship .

  7. 我知道这个孩子的死会伤害你,维克多·弗兰肯斯坦,我的创造者。

    I knew that the death of this child would hurt you , Victor Frankenstein , my creator .

  8. 我记不得有多少次人们问我,死会是怎样一种感觉。有时候,离他们亲自体验那种感觉只剩下一、两个小时。

    I don 't know how many times people have asked me what death is like , sometimes when they were only an hour or two from finding out for themselves .

  9. 但是如果政府对于一个英国的不在地主地租代理人的死会那么认真,那么杰拉尔德·奥哈拉的突然出走便是适时的了。

    but if the government felt so strongly about the death of an English landlord 's rent agent , it was time for Gerald O'Hara to be leaving and leaving suddenly .

  10. 死会疼吗?多少次他以为死到临头而又侥幸逃脱,却从未真正考虑过死亡本身。他对活的愿望总是比对死的恐惧要强烈得多。

    All those times he had thought that it was about to happen and escaped , he had never really thought of the thing itself : His will to live had always been so much stronger than his fear of death .

  11. 我相信自己死后会升入天堂,见到上帝。

    I believed that when I died I would go to heaven and see God .

  12. 它们死后会变成不透明的乳白色。

    When they die , they turn a non-transparent milky white .

  13. n.地狱据说坏人死后会在地狱受处罚。

    hell Wicked persons are said to be punished in hell after death ....... Part 3 ......

  14. 不管发生什么事情,我的死都会很有意义。

    No matter what happens , my death will have meaning .

  15. 血盟宠物死了会变鬼。

    Bonded pets will turn into pet ghosts when they die .

  16. 但在这场战争里死的会是我们的国民。

    It is our people who would die in this war .

  17. 我相信我死后会投胎成蛇。

    I believe I will be reincarnated as a snake .

  18. 如果隐修会被破坏,其他长老都死了会怎样?

    What if the Priory was compromised , the other senechaux dead ?

  19. 很好,那我们死了会怎样?

    Right . So , what happens when we die ?

  20. 如果是一百万人服用该药物,死的会是三万。

    If a million people take that drug , 30000 can die .

  21. 坏人死后会下地狱。

    hell Bad people go to hell after they die .

  22. 看着你死也会同样地甜蜜。

    It 's going to be just as sweet watching you die .

  23. 你死了会没人送终!

    Nobody will give you a sip of water when you die !

  24. 我到死都会记得.

    I 'll remember that till the day I die .

  25. 好人死后会到天堂去。

    Good people will go to heaven after they die .

  26. 死后会怎样我们不得而知。

    What happens after death is beyond our ken .

  27. 你知道死后会留下什么吗?

    Do you know what the dead leave behind ?

  28. 我对你的爱,直到我死后会珍惜。

    The love I have for you until I die I will treasure .

  29. 我死之前会记得三件事。

    There are three moments I will remember until the day I die .

  30. 安吉丽克·贝尔:我们死后会发生什么?

    Angelica Bell : What happens when we die ?