
  1. 麦林地膜棉联合播种机械化技术

    Study on the mechanization of combined sowing for film covered cotton in wheat field

  2. 介绍笔者最新研究成功的麦林套种地膜棉联合播种机械化技术。

    The technique of combined sowing mechanization for film covered cotton in wheat field has been developed .

  3. 无论是好是坏,事实是:法国最优秀的体育明星劳尔&马纳多为了她与意大利男友卢卡-麦林的爱已经放弃了回到法国,并且他希望与男友生下他们的孩子。

    So , for better or worse , the deed is done : France 's top sports star , Laure Manaudou , has abandoned Gaul for love of Italian Luca Marin , with whome she wishes to have a baby .

  4. 麦克拉林用塑料袋包裹鸡蛋,但很多人直接把鸡蛋放进堆肥堆。

    Although McClarin wrapped his egg in a plastic bag , others have just put the egg straight in .

  5. 麦克拉林建议睡前埋鸡蛋,这样第二天就可以当早点了。

    McClarin suggests that you put your eggs in before bed so they 'll be ready for your breakfast the next morning .

  6. 可惜麦克拉林没有继续开发堆肥奶酪,却转而研究堆肥堆不同深度的温度。

    Sadly , McClarin did not elaborate any further on the compost-driven cheese-making process . Instead , he experimented with temperatures at different depths in his compost mound .