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wàn shāng yún jí
  • All merchants draw together like clouds;The merchants have flocked here from all parts of the country
万商云集[wàn shāng yún jí]
  1. 国内外商贸洽谈会在此召开,万商云集。你也会来参加,是吗?热忱欢迎中外客商来江苏展览馆举办展览,展销会,贸易洽谈会。

    An international Business fair is to Be held here . all merchants draw together like clouds . You 'll Be one of them , won 't you ? Customers both at home and abroad are welcome to Jiangsu Exhibition Center for exhibitions , sales fairs , or trade talks .

  2. 经过10多年的开发建设,目前开发区万商云集,商贸活动频繁,呈现出一派欣欣向荣的景象。

    Through more than ten years ' development and construction , now Hongqiao Development Zone is prospering with thousands of businessmen and frequent business and trade activities .

  3. 自清中叶以来,东西南北万商云集,盐船漫合,至抗战之始,京、鲁、豫、苏菜麇集盐都,各显神通。

    Self-cleaning since the mid , west , south million of merchants , ship diffuse salt together until the beginning of the war , Beijing , Shandong , Henan , Jiangsu cuisine assemble salt recount .