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  • divorce
离异 [lí yì]
  • (1) [dissociation]∶某些生物群的固有性质,根据这些性质将他们区分成两个或更多的明显不同的、相对持久的品系(例如某些细菌分为粗糙的和平滑的),亦指那样的(种、族)系

  • (2) [divorce]∶离婚

  1. 新的政府统计数字预测,每两例婚姻中就有一例会离异。

    New Government figures predict that one in two marriages will end in divorce .

  2. BBC表示,想让那些未婚同居、离异后准备再婚的情侣和同性恋情侣参加节目,以“反映现代英国。”

    The corporation says that it wants to see parents who are cohabiting , those remarrying after divorce , and even homosexual couples taking part , to " reflect modern Britain . "

  3. 我父母离异时,事情处理得很成熟、很开放。

    When my parents split up , it was all very adult and open .

  4. 据说他们离异了。

    The word is they 've split up .

  5. 对离异的人来说,圣诞节令人感伤。

    For divorced people , Christmas can be a downer .

  6. 似乎没有人对离异的公主再婚感到丝毫地吃惊。

    No one seems to turn a hair at the thought of the divorced Princess marrying .

  7. 有多少人年幼时父母因为自己没有离异,长大后神经变得敏感脆弱?

    How many screwed-up adults are there now whose parents stayed together for the children 's sake ?

  8. 研究表明,父母离异的孩子更容易从中学中途退学。

    Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school

  9. 那对夫妻经过一场争吵就离异了。

    The couple bust up after an argument .

  10. 在这部由玛丽亚·施拉德担任导演并参与编剧的科幻爱情片中,一位离异的人类学家(玛伦·艾格特饰演)同意试用一个被编程设定为完美伴侣的机器人。

    Directed and co-written by Maria Schrader , this sci-fi romance features Maren Eggert as a divorced anthropologist14 who agrees to test-drive an android that is programmed to be her perfect partner .

  11. 铸态下,仅含Ca的镁合金主要由镁基体和晶界离异共晶组织(Mg+Mg2Ca)组成;

    The as-cast Mg-Ca alloy containing only Ca is composed of Mg matrix and divorced eutectic ( Mg + Mg_2Ca ) formed along the grain boundaries .

  12. 分析认为,初次γ相的形成是由于非平衡凝固过程中的晶内偏析造成的,是一种离异共晶现象,Zn对初次γ相的形成也有促进作用;

    It is deemed that the primary Y phase is resulted from composition segregation during un-equilibrium solidification , which is also partly facilitated by Zn .

  13. 在CAS量表上,有27.9%的离异家庭大学生存在不同程度的心理不安状况,个别因子上的检出率达到38.2%;

    According to CAS , around 27.9 % students have psychological uneasiness to different degree , and the highest ratio reaches 38.2 % ;

  14. (美国第38任总统,1974-1976年在任)生于1913年的他本名LeslieL.King,Jr.,因为目前离异再婚,他被继父收养,改名为GeraldR.Ford。

    Bornin 1913 as Leslie L. King , Jr. , his mother divorced and remarried.His stepfather informally adopted him , renaming him Gerald R.Ford 。

  15. 在优化压铸工艺的基础上,着重研究不经变质处理的基体合金中离异共晶St的形成机理、形态及其主要影响因素;

    On the basis of optimizing squeeze casting processing , the formation , feature and main influence factors of modified eutectic silicon in matrix alloy are studied in this paper .

  16. 变质过程中产生的大量的高熔点的硫化物、氮化物是VC非均质形核的基体,对VC以离异共晶方式生长起着重要作用。

    The sulphide and nitride with higher melting point formed during modification process are the substrate of heterogeneous nucleation of Vc and this is of great importance for carbide to grow in divorced eutectic .

  17. 固溶时效后,只含Ca的镁合金中晶界处离异共晶组织消失,代之以长大了的颗粒状Mg2Ca相;而MgCaSi合金的固溶时效组织较铸态无明显变化。

    After solution-ageing treatment , the divorced eutectic ( Mg + Mg_2Ca ) along the grain boundaries of Mg-Ca alloy containing only Ca disappears , where the grown-up granular Mg_2Ca was found instead , whereas no evident change of microstructure could be found in Mg-Ca-Si alloys .

  18. 哈里和他的美国未婚妻将入住肯辛顿宫(KensingtonPalace)的诺丁山屋(NottinghamCottage),紧邻威廉王子夫妇。梅根2013年和首任丈夫离异。

    Harry and his American fiancee , who divorced her first husband in 2013 , will move into Nottingham Cottage in the grounds of Kensington Palace next door to his brother William and sister-in-law Kate .

  19. 她叫Sanba,今年56岁,离异,是几乎所有整形手术的或招牌。

    She is Sanba , 56 years old , divorced and a walking billboard for almost every cosmetic procedure .

  20. Abba乐队就曾由原本的两对夫妇,变成两对离异夫妇。在阿格妮莎輠斯克格(Agnetha)和比约恩攠瓦尔斯(Bj爀渀Ulvaeus)离婚后,该乐队依旧创作出了成功的歌曲——尽管另一对夫妇的离异终于令乐队散伙。

    Abba , the double-couple band that became double-divorced , continued to record hits after Agnethaand Ulvaeus split , although the next divorce brought the curtain down .

  21. LGA说,诸如圣诞节这样造成心理紧张的因素,到一月份,离婚申请率可能上跳50%。今年可能出现离异的比率甚至可能比这还高。

    The LGA said factors such as the stress of Christmas meant divorce proceedings often leapt by50 per cent in January , and there could be " even more " splits this year .

  22. 的确如此,据美国退休者协会(AARP)数据,曾独自出游过的45岁及以上的美国人中,约有53%都是已婚者,仅有39%是单身或离异者。

    Indeed , of Americans 45 and older who have traveled solo , some 53 percent are married while 39 percent are single or divorced , according to AARP .

  23. 结果表明:涂层中主要含有呈块状、条状、颗粒状或团絮状分布的Fe2B(Fe3B)/α2Fe和TiB2(TiB)/α2Fe低熔点共晶或离异共晶组织;

    The results show that the coating mainly contains Fe_2B ( Fe_3B ) / α - Fe and TiB_2 ( TiB ) / α - Fe low melting point eutectic or divorced eutectic presenting block , strip , granular and wadding shape .

  24. 离异应激对儿童人格的影响

    Influence of irritated response on children personality from their parent divoice

  25. 熔凝层可观察到胞状树枝晶和离异共晶;

    The melted layer is composed of cystiform-dendritic and divorced eutectic .

  26. 离异家庭儿童社会化发展失衡及其对策分析

    Socialized Development Imbalance of Children in Divorced Family and its Countermeasures

  27. 我读过你写的那篇关于你父母离异的文章。

    I read that article that you wrote about your parents'divorce .

  28. 父母离异子女精神卫生问题调查

    Mental Health of Children in the Single-Parent Family due to Divorce

  29. 离异比丧亲儿童的情绪易偏向不稳定。

    However , children of divorced family had poor emotional stability .

  30. 近代中国离异与回归现象反思

    The Reflections on Chinese Alienation and Reversion Phenomenon in Modern Times