
  • 网络window time
  1. 第二,所研究的事件窗口时间不够长,对于研究的可靠性产生一定的影响。

    Second , the time period of research is not long enough for which may influence the results .

  2. 由于干旱天气,尽管还没有靠近关键的窗口时间范围,堪萨斯交易所得到持续买盘的支撑。

    Kansas City is getting relative buy support from continued dry conditions , although it isn 't close to a critical time frame .

  3. 作为线上申请表的一部分,他们要求我留出三小时的窗口时间,并遵守承诺并在这段时间里给我打了电话。

    As part of the online form , they asked me for a three-hour window , in which they later called me as promised .

  4. 例如,直到周二的晚上,中国空间所官员还对发射的时间模糊不定,只是给出了周三到周六的发射窗口时间段,而不是一个具体的发射时间。

    As late as Tuesday evening , for example , Chinese space officials were vague about the launching time , giving a window of Wednesday to Saturday rather than a specific takeoff time .

  5. 滑动聚集平均近似PAA(PiecewiseAggregateApproximation)是一种表示时间序列的方法,它通过时间序列上滑动一个等宽的滑动窗口将时间序列分成小的区段。

    PAA ( Piecewise Aggregate Approximation ) is a method for representing time series by sliding an equal-width window on the data and dividing the data into segments .

  6. 基于滑动窗口的时间序列数据流分析与预测技术研究

    Study on regression analysis and prediction of time-series data streams using sliding windows

  7. 自适应窗口的时间规整立体匹配算法

    Stereo Matching Algorithm Using Adaptive Windows-Constrained and DTW

  8. 提出了一种使用滑动窗口和时间戳相结合的网络传输延时补偿控制方法。

    The compensation control measure of network transmission delay using Sliding Window and timestamp is presented .

  9. 研究结果表明:在含有非线性增益控制的明孤子传输系统中,非线性增益明显地抑制了孤子到达检测窗口的时间科动,可以进行有效地传输控制。

    The results show : nonlinear gain suppresses effectively the time jitters in arrival and enhances role of filter for the stability of soliton . transmission .

  10. 本文研究了在处理时间不确定的条件下,带不同交货期窗口的存储时间有限型FlowShop调度问题。

    The paper studies flow shop scheduling problems with finite intermediate storage with different delivery windows under uncertainty .

  11. 带有交货期窗口模糊加工时间的Flow-shop调度问题

    Flow-shop Scheduling Problem with Uncertain Processing Time and Distinct Due Window

  12. 请在visio绘图窗口中选择时间线,然后再次试着导出。

    Please select a timeline in a Visio drawing window , and attempt to export again .

  13. 如果shell窗口打开的时间较长,可以用!nnn快速重复前面的命令,其中的nnn是命令提示符中显示的编号。

    If you keep your shell window open for extended periods , you can quickly repeat a previous command with ! nnn , where nnn is the number shown in the prompt for the command .

  14. 这种模式排除了在批量窗口中长时间彻底搜索源系统的需要。

    This pattern precludes the need for long sweeps of source systems during batch windows .

  15. 小流量下短时交通量预测最佳窗口长度与时间间隔

    Optimal Time Interval and Lookback Interval of Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction under Free Traffic Condition

  16. 本文根据证券时间序列奇异点的特点,采用滑动窗口的对时间序列分割,实现了有效的局部离群点检测。

    This paper accordance with the characteristics of anomalous diffraction spots , using slip window segmentation of time-series data detects local isolated singularity .

  17. 此属性包含接收服务的该实例的日常服务窗口的开始时间。属性的日期部分不使用。

    This property contains the start time of a daily service window for this instance of the receive service . The date part of the property is not used .

  18. 在建立一个PowerBuilder应用过程中,重复定义用于显示检索结果的窗口,既浪费时间又没有一个统一的显示风格。

    When building a PowerBuilder application , repeated defining of datawindow for query results is a waste of time which also leads to inconsistent of display styles .

  19. 维护窗口通常由起始时间和持续时间组成。

    Maintenance windows typically consist of a start time and duration .

  20. 计算机联网后增加了窗口配方的服务时间;

    The Window ( 2 ) The time of service was extended after using network .

  21. 介绍系统的窗口信息、关机时间及按键信息的记录程序编制。

    This paper presents how to write system record program about windows information 、 on-off time and button infor-mation .

  22. 确定当指针在工具提示区域内保持静止时,工具提示窗口将保持多长时间可见。

    Determines the length of time the tooltip window remains visible if the pointer is stationary inside a tooltip region .

  23. 对于没有可用时间窗口的任务,时间窗口模块能分析时间窗口分配失败的原因,用户可以根据失败原因来分析卫星系统的动态能力。

    If there is no available time window , the module will give the reason . Users can analyze the satellite system 's dynamic ability by the reason .

  24. 本文研究了混合气体比例、气体钝化、窗口污染和存放时间对横向流动氯化氙准分子激光器寿命的影响。

    The effects of gas mixture ratio , gas passivation , optical window deposition and laser gas storage time on the lifetime of a transverse flow XeCl excimer laser were studied in detail .

  25. 空洞病害对电磁波的频谱响应具有较高灵敏度,利用对数功率谱算法和高斯窗口函数来计算时间窗口的对数功率谱剖面,提高了对空洞这类隐伏病害的识别能力。

    The spectrum response of electromagnetic wave from cavity is of high sensitivity , so spectrum section obtained by using the method of log-power spectrum and gauss window function improves the identifying diseases capability .

  26. 对于人员死亡规模在1000人左右的地震,初次报道的人员死亡总数超过100人的时间多数也在这个时段内,但窗口会向震后时间缩短的方向滑移。

    To those earthquakes with about 1,000 death numbers , the time of firstly reported death toll over 100 mostly is within the same time span , but the time window tends to be less than 7 hours .

  27. 模拟实验表明,与对窗口中的数据整体进行聚集相比,基于基区间的聚集算法可以有效地降低窗口聚集的时间,提高数据流处理的实时性。

    Compared with aggregate on whole data set within window , the simulative experimental results show that the approach based on base intervals can reduce efficiently time and improve the real time performance of data stream processing .