
  1. 作为大使,我的职责包括向英国游客介绍成都120多只大熊猫,以及在碧峰峡雾蒙蒙的山区进行的一项研究。

    My ambassadorial duties will include introducing British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research in the misty mountains of Bifengxia .

  2. 小溪沟、碧峰路是天然通风道使城市十分凉爽。

    Xiaoxi Gully , Bifeng Gate and the other natural air vents made the city very cool .

  3. 摘要四川省在风景名胜区经营管理体制改革方面走在了全国前列,出现了典型的“碧峰峡模式”和“四姑娘山现象”。

    With typical " bifengxia model " and " siguliangshan phenomenon ", Sichuan takes the lead in business operation management system reform of scenic resorts .

  4. 偌大的碧峰峡基地的山坡上,大路上,树林里,几乎见不到人影。

    On the so big Bifengxia base 's hillside , on the main road , in the woods , cannot see the person 's shadow nearly .

  5. 两岁左右的熊猫于2008年汶川大地震后在四川的雅安碧峰峡繁育中心出生。

    The pandas , who are each around two-years-old , were born in the Ya'an Bifeng Gorge Breeding Base of Sichuan , following the deadly Wenchuan earthquake in May , 2008 .

  6. 为了和猫猫们朝夕相处,我特意搬到碧峰峡基地内的小西天住了几天,尽管那里的条件很差。

    For is constantly together with the pandas , I moved to the Bifengxia base the small Western Paradise to stay specially for several days , there condition was very freely bad .

  7. 我知道动物园的工作人员们将有机会与泰山同行去雅安碧峰峡熊猫基地,与美兰去成都大熊猫繁殖基地。

    I understand that the zoo teams will have the opportunity to travel with Tai Shan to Bifengxia , just outside of Ya'an , and with Mei Lan to the Chengdu Panda Base .

  8. 在4月2日至4月4日期间,中国网络电视台iPanda熊猫频道在春天这个特别的“造熊季”,播出了四川雅安碧峰峡大熊猫保护基地的一对熊猫罕见的交配画面。

    Between April 2 and 4 , China Network Television ( CNTV ) ' s iPanda Channel broadcast the pair 's rare procreation attempts at the Bifengxia Panda Reserve , Sichuan Province during their spring special , " Season of Making Bears . "