
  1. 和风拂动着姑娘的秀发。

    A gentle breeze brushed against ( or caressed ) the girl 's beautiful hair .

  2. 瓦格纳的风拂过希特勒扭曲的叶子的价值是什么?

    What price the Wagnerian wind that rustled Hitler 's twisted leaves ?

  3. 风拂着我的面颊,风帆纹丝不动,世界一片寂静。

    The wind fanned my cheeks , the sails slept , the world was silent .

  4. 他默默地面对着黄河站着,风拂着他裸着的前胸。

    He stood silently facing the Yellow River , the wind caressing his bare chest .

  5. 能感觉到风拂过脸庞;

    Wind left on face ;

  6. 船再次开动爽风拂面的时候,她机警地醒了过来。拂晓时,风向转了。

    When we resumed our journey and a fresh breeze began to blow , she was wide awake . The wind came round at dawn .

  7. 耳边似乎有风拂过的声音,很缓,飘起了鬓发,时而翻飞着青衫长衣。

    Ear seems to wind on the sound , very slow , washed up the hair on the temples , sometimes rippling in the Pathetic gown .