
zhōnɡ zǐ wù lǐ xué
  • neutronics
  1. 从中子物理学角度,对ADFTS的能量放大行为进行了分析,提出了快包层中子放大系数和快-热包层中子耦合系数的概念,并给出了中子放大系数的计算方法。

    Through the neutronics analysis of ADFTS , the energy amplifying principle was interpreted . The concepts of neutron amplification factor and neutron coupling factor of ADFTS were brought forward , and the calculating method of neutron amplification factor was introduced .

  2. 中子星内部物理学&Ⅱ.超高密度物质状态下的物理学

    Physics of the Interior of Neutron Stars & ⅱ . Physics in the High-dense State of Matter