
  • 网络Sino-Foreign Management
  1. 中外管理咨询企业战略联盟构建初探

    Research on Strategic Alliance of International and Native Management Consultation Companies

  2. 通过与国外管理层收购比较后,对中外管理层收购差异及原因做出具体分析。

    Through comparing domestics with overseas of MBO , it analyzes those differences and reasons .

  3. 中外管理思想的演变对管理实践的意义

    On the Meaning of the Evolution of Chinese and Foreign Management Thoughts to the Management Practice

  4. 融中外管理之长走质量创业之路高新技术资产评估的数学模型及计算方法

    High quality depends on advanced management mathematical model & calculation method applied to the assets evaluation of advanced technology

  5. 近年来,中外管理学者对于不相关多样化发展战略能否为企业增加收益或降低风险提出了许多不同的意见。

    In recent years , there have arisen varied arguments about whether the conducting of the conglomerate diversification strategy will improve a firm 's profit or reduce its risk , from Chinese and foreign scholars .

  6. 从比较中外律师管理体制中探索中介组织规范化的途径

    From Chinese and Foreign Lawyer Management System Probing Intermediary 's Standardized Way

  7. 中外体育管理专业发展的历史与启示

    History and Revelation of Development of Sports Management Specialty at Home and Abroad

  8. 中外林业管理体制概述

    Review on forestry enterprise system at home and abroad

  9. 中外饭店管理公司在中国市场竞争力之对比研究

    A Comparison Study on the Competitive Advantages of Chinese and Foreign Hotel Companies in China

  10. 中外药品管理的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Drug Administration

  11. 中外酒店管理者经营理念与管理行为之比较关于外国对华反倾销问题的思考

    Comparison of Concept and Behavior of Management Between China and Foreign Countries Considerations About Anti-dumping to Our Export Commodities in Foreign Countries

  12. 同时,对中外资金管理模式进行了比较,提出了国外资金管理模式对中国企业集团资金管理的借鉴意义。

    Meanwhile , it makes a comparison to Chinese and foreign capital management modes and proposes the advanced points we need to learn .

  13. 纵观中外财务管理的发展历程,财务管理学科的历史性飞跃,无不和当时的社会背景紧密相连。

    It is from the development of financial management that we know no historic leap of study does not relate to the social background at that time .

  14. 中外饭店管理专业本科教育的实证分析&以康奈尔大学酒店学院和北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    A Demonstrative Analysis of Undergraduate Hospitality Management Education in China and Foreign Countries & Taking The Hotel School of Cornell University and Beijing Institute of Tourism as Examples

  15. 从文化安全角度,考察中外传媒管理策略的得失,对于当下传媒管理政策的制定和实施具有重要的借鉴意义。

    It is of great importance for reference in making and implementing policies of media management to sur-vey the gains and losses of domestic and foreign strategies in media management .

  16. 将内耗与竞争、冲突进行比较,并对中外企业管理模式与本国文化的互动关系进行了分析;运用管理哲学和系统论对企业内耗进行了深入研究。

    The thesis carried on the analysis to interaction relations between Chinese and foreign enterprise management patterns and home country culture , and conducted the thorough research to the enterprise internal friction using management philosophy and systems theory .

  17. 本论文结合中外企业管理理论与中国企业集团的实践,对企业集团财务控制体系构建的核心问题进行了深入细致的研究。

    On the basis of domestic and foreign management theories as well as the practices of Chinese business group , this paper makes a thoroughgoing study of some key issues on building finance control system for business group .

  18. 唐代市场管理制度的内容包括市场管理法律关系的主体,即市场行为主体与管理者,市场管理的内容,主要有商品的计量和质量管理、物价管理、市场秩序管理、中外贸易管理等。

    Market management system in Tang Dynasty consists of managers , the main body of legal market management , and content of market management including quantity and quality control of commodities , management of price , market order , domestic and international commercial intercourse .

  19. 普华永道(PwC)最近对25家中外合资基金管理公司中的19家进行了一项调查。调查结果显示,在华外国基金管理公司担心,中国的沪深两市可能没有足够多的优质上市公司。

    Foreign fund managers in China fear there might not be enough good quality companies listing on the country 's two stock markets , according to a survey by PwC of 19 of the 25 joint-venture fund management firms operating in the country .

  20. 专业研究机构Z-BenAdvisors编纂的数据显示,去年12月底,24家中外合资公司管理的资产,约占内地共同基金资产总额的40%,高于去年初的25%。

    Figures compiled by Z-Ben Advisors , a specialist research firm , show that the 24 Sino - foreign joint ventures accounted for almost 40 per cent of total domestic mutual fund assets at the end of December , up from a quarter at the start of last year .

  21. 中外企业品牌管理研究综述

    The Review of Chinese and Foreign Researches on Enterprise Brand Management

  22. 中外政府绩效管理的行政生态学比较

    Comparison of Administrative Ecology on Internal and External Government Performance Management

  23. 中外工商行政管理工作比较研究

    Comparison and Research on Chinese and Foreign Industrial and Commercial Administration

  24. 中外施工安全管理制度之比较研究

    The Comparison of Construction Safe Management System between Chinese and Foreign

  25. 中外全面预算管理比较

    Comparison of total Budget Management Between China and Foreign Countries

  26. 中外审计市场管理机制比较研究

    Comparative Study on Managerial Mechanism of Sino-Foreign Audit Market

  27. 中外企业成本管理比较研究

    Comparative study of Chinese and foreign enterprise cost management

  28. 中外人力资源管理案例的借鉴

    Reference of Chinese and Foreign Manpower Resources Management Cases

  29. 中外体育俱乐部管理结构、经营方式等的比较

    Comparison Between Administration Structure and Management Way of Foreign and Chinese Sports Clubs

  30. 中西文化差异对中外合资医院管理的影响

    The influence of culture difference to the Chinese - foreign joint venture hospital