
  1. 包括导论、商业银行战略管理的概述、我国城市商业银行的地位与发展趋势、温州银行发展战略的SWOT分析、温州银行发展战略的选择以及温州银行发展战略的实施,最后是结论与展望。

    Includes introduction , overview of the strategic management of commercial banks , commercial banks of the status and development trend , the Wenzhou Bank development strategy of the SWOT analysis , Wenzhou Bank development strategy of selecting and Wenzhou Bank development strategy , and finally the conclusion and Outlook .

  2. 第一部分是对企业战略管理和国际商业银行战略管理的专门理论综述以及对银行业的结构与市场分析,为后面的理论分析奠定基础。

    According to the theories of corporate strategic management and international banking strategic management we establish the foundation for the following theoretical research .

  3. 商业银行战略管理是在企业战略理论基础上诞生并逐渐发展起来的,是现代企业管理体系中的一个重要分支。

    The Strategic Management of commercial bank was established and developed on the basis of The Enterprise Strategy Theory , which is an essential part of modern enterprise management system .

  4. 并通过列举国外商业银行战略管理模式和成功案例,以及对我国商业银行现行战略管理状况的分析、评价,探讨了国内商业银行战略发展的趋势和如何进行战略选择的问题。

    Besides , it also sheds light on the trend of national commercial banks and how to choose from the strategies by giving the examples of overseas banking management models and cases .

  5. 第1部分介绍了战略管理的基本概念,分析了商业银行战略管理的理论内涵与模式,然后从理论渊源和内涵两方面分析了商业银行竞争战略;

    The first section introduces the basic concept of strategy management , explains the character and pattern of strategy management in commercial banks , then analyses competition strategy in commercial banks in the view of theoretical foundation and its meaning . ( 2 ) Character pattern .

  6. 城市商业银行营销战略管理研究

    The Research on Marketing Strategic Management of City Commercial Banks

  7. 商业银行战略成本管理研究

    Research on Strategic Cost Management for Commercial Banks

  8. 本文主要贡献在于为城市商业银行的战略管理提出一些建设性的建议,为寻找适合城市商业银行发展的正确道路作一些有益的探索。

    The main contribution of this thesis is that it puts forward constructive suggestions which will promote the strategic management of CD bank , and will help city commercial banks onto the right path .

  9. 同时表明,银行业是一个特殊的行业,商业银行的战略管理有其特殊性,所以在这一部分还重点分析了银行业经营、中小企业与个人零售业务市场。

    At the same time , we have found that commercial banks have special strategic management because of characters of banking sector , so it is necessary to discuss the particularities of banking including business lines serving mid and small enterprises and individuals .

  10. ·初步探讨了如何在我国商业银行实施战略成本管理

    Author analyze how to using the strategic cost management for commercial banks

  11. 上述问题的凸现深刻反映出国内商业银行对于竞争战略管理的欠缺和漠视。

    Above-mentioned problems deeply reflect the lack and neglect on the strategic management by commercial bank .

  12. 我国商业银行目前实施战略作业管理的主要障碍既有宏观层面的影响,也有微观层面的原因。

    The obstacles of implementing SABM are from the influences of macro factors and also micro factors .

  13. 本文沿着理论的提出理论的实施理论与实际相结合的研究思路,所要解决的问题是:在商业银行的战略与作业管理之间架起一道桥梁,构建商业银行战略作业管理体系。

    Follow the method of raising theory , implementing theory , by combining the theory with actual , the results of this research are to build a bridge between commercial bank strategy and activity-based management ( ABM ), to build a commercial bank strategy-oriented activity-based management ( SABM ) system .

  14. 基于价值创造的商业银行全面预算管理框架构建包括商业银行经营战略与预算管理,预算管理的模式选择,基于价值创造的商业银行预算管理框架。

    It includes commercial banks strategy and budgetary management and budget management pattern and commercial banks budget management frameworks which is built based on value creation .