
  • 网络planetary space
  1. 这项报告刊登在《行星和空间科学》杂志上。

    The report is in the journal Planetary and Space Science .

  2. 也许这一行星毁于外层空间的某次灾难。

    Perhaps the planet was destroyed in some cosmic catastrophe .

  3. 永磁超环面传动行星轮轮齿空间磁场分布计算

    Computation for the space magnetic field distribution of permanent magnetic toroidal transmission planet teeth

  4. 我们对家园行星周边的空间有了直观感觉。

    and we 're getting a sense of the space around our home star .

  5. 行星之间的空间所包含的尘埃数量其实是可以测量的。

    Astronomers say that the empty space between planets actually contains measurable amounts of dust .

  6. 行星运行的轨道空间位置是有一定规则的。

    The planets occupy regular orbits in the space .

  7. 探测太阳系的行星及其卫星是空间科学和航天技术的重要领域之一。

    The exploration of the planets and their satellites within the solar system is one of the important fields in space science and aerospace technology .

  8. 我们告诉你,不只那些(有形体)上满布着生命体,而且行星、星体和空间微粒之间也满布着有意识的存有。

    We tell you not only are they teeming with life , but the planets and stars and the space particulate between are themselves all conscious beings .

  9. 当时的太阳处在密集的恒星群中,而引力的推挤可能阻止了这颗行星逃到星际空间。

    Back then , the sun resided in a dense cluster of stars , and the gravitational jostling could have prevented the planet from escaping to interstellar space .