
xínɡ zhènɡ péi chánɡ zé rèn
  • liabilities for administrative compensation
  1. 追究行政赔偿责任,有利于增强政府依法行政的能力,提高政府行政的责任性,从而最终实现行政法治的目标。

    The investigation of the administrative compensation responsibility is conducive to strengthening government s ability of administration by law and to enhancing government 's sense of responsibility so as to achieve the goal of administration by law .

  2. 行政垄断赔偿责任初探

    Exploring the Responsibility for the Administrative Monopoly Compensation

  3. 行政侵权赔偿责任分析&从国外相关制度看我国在该制度上的缺失

    The Administrative Tort Analysis of Liability to Pay Compensation & Since Being Related abroad System Sees Our Country on This System Lack

  4. 在作为义务方面,抽象的作为义务必须特定化才能要求行政主体承担赔偿责任。

    The obligation should be specific to satisfy the requirements of the liability .

  5. 最后,在第五章中笔者给出了对行政不作为赔偿责任的落实方式和立法建议,希望能够对我国行政不作为国家赔偿制度的建立和完善尽自己的微薄之力。

    Finally , in the fifth part , the author gives the advice of compensation for administrative accountability methods and legislative proposals in the hope of our state compensation of administrative omission system establishment and improvement .

  6. 但我们所见到的反垄断法的建议稿,对行政垄断的国家赔偿责任予以回避。

    The proposed draft of Anti-monopoly Act that is available evades the compensation liability of government .

  7. 做到行政处罚责任民事赔偿责任刑事处罚责任整个法律责任链条的完整。

    Achieve " administrative penalty liability-civil liability-responsibility for criminal punishment ," the integrity of the entire chain of liabilities .

  8. 第二部分行政不作为国家赔偿责任的必要性该部分主要借鉴了美法德日等西方国家对行政不作为国家赔偿责任的规定,为我国完善行政不作为国家赔偿制度的建立提供了参考。

    In this part we use for reference of the rules about the nation compensates of administrative omission of western countries and provide a reference of perfecting the system of nation compensates of administrative omission .

  9. 第四部分行政不作为国家赔偿责任的确定该部分主要分析了影响国家赔偿责任大小的因素,即主观思想状态、客观行为以及对危险的可预见性和阻止可能性。

    In this part we analyse the factor which influence the nation compensates of administrative omission : subjective state of mind , objective act , the possibility of predicting the danger and the possibility of avert .

  10. 政府的所谓行政补偿责任和行政赔偿责任并非政府法律责任内容本身,而是政府法律责任的承担方式,是一种救济责任。

    So called administrative recuperation responsibility and administrative compensation responsibility of government are not the content of governmental responsibilities itself . They are the mode of burden of the governmental responsibilities and the responsibility of redress .

  11. 行政不作为中行政与民事赔偿的责任分担

    Apportionment of Liability with Agency Inaction Compensation and Civil Compensation

  12. 因此,应界定行政不作为的含义,明确国家对行政不作为承担赔偿责任的必要性及构成要件,进一步完善国家立法。

    Therefore it is necessary to define the negative administration act , to clear the necessity and the important composing elements of the state compensation duty on the negative administration act , to further perfect state legislation .

  13. 根据我国行政诉讼法和国家赔偿法的规定,笔者探讨了三类具体行政不作为案件赔偿责任的承担问题,以及诉讼法和赔偿法之间不作为责任的衔接问题。

    The author analyzes three kinds of state compensation according to related laws of our country .

  14. 建议采用概括&免责的立法模式修改《国家赔偿法》之中有关行政赔偿范围的立法,进一步扩大行政赔偿范围的有效范围,同时科学界定免除行政赔偿责任的其他情形。

    The suggest is : adopting " generalization-liability exemption " legislation mode to amend the State Indemnity Law concerning the scope of administration Indemnity , to further expand the effective scope of administrative Indemnity , at the same time , scientifically define other situation of liability exemption .

  15. 摘要“准职务行为”国家行政赔偿是指行政主体的“准职务行为”在违法侵犯行政相对人合法权益并造成损害时,由国家承担行政赔偿责任。

    The national administration compensation system of " the Expectant Duty behavior " means that the nation undertakes the compensative responsibility when " the Expectant Duty behavior " of administration illegally infringes on legitimate rights and interests of the administered and does the harm .

  16. 因行政侵权行为所造成的损害应当被区分为纯粹的事实性损害与法律意义上的可赔偿性损害,而只有后者才是行政赔偿责任的构成要件之一。

    The damage casued by adminstration tort should be distinguished as pure factual damage and lawful compensable damage , and only the latter can be one of the constitutive requirements of the state 's liability for compensation .