
  • 网络doer;a man of action
  1. 她是行动家,不只是思想家,言论家。

    She 's a doer , not just a thinker or a talker .

  2. 你是个行动家,记得吗?

    You 're a doer , remember ?

  3. 凡是行动家都必须先成为梦想家。

    All men of action are dreamers .

  4. 然而,这次事件不仅帮助他巩固了“行动家”的美名,更提高了公众对他的支持度。

    However , the incident seems to have helped cement his reputation as a man of action and improved his popularity with the general public .

  5. 当代改造世界的真正的行动家不是政治家,也不是国务活动家,而是科学家。那家商行在几个国家有业务活动。

    The true men of action in our time , those who transform the world , are not the politicians and statesmen , but the scientists . That business operates in several countries .

  6. 改革压力已积聚多年。今年早些时候,中国媒体发起了一次罕见的叛逆行动:13家报社联合发表了一篇呼吁废除户籍的社论。

    Pressure for reform has been building for years , including a rare act of media rebellion earlier this year , when 13 different newspapers issued a joint editorial calling for it to be abandoned .

  7. 美国负责金融工作的高级官员表示,如果政府没有采取强有力的行动挽救一家濒临破产的大投资银行的话,金融市场可能会出现混乱。

    US Fed Chief Defends Investment Bank Bailout Top U.S. financial officials say the markets could have been thrown into chaos if the government had not taken strong action to rescue a big investment bank that was falling into bankruptcy .

  8. 在ebay上出售货品的商家今日将发起联合抵制行动,抗议这家在线拍卖网站提高服务收费及改变搜索结果的显示方式。

    Businesses that sell goods on eBay are due to boycott the online marketplace today in protest at an increase in fees and changes to the way search results are displayed .

  9. 我的叔叔近来行动十分古怪,家里人认为他可能精神失常了。

    My uncle has been acting very strangely recently ; the family think he may have gone overboard .

  10. 贿赂指控和警方行动还导致这家韩国第5大企业集团退出了对美国化工公司的竞购。

    The allegations and police action also led Korea 's fifth largest conglomerate to pull out of bidding for the US chemicals company .

  11. 由美国国际开发署牵头,未来粮食保障行动计划鼓励10家美国联邦机构为全球食品安全工作。

    Led by the U.S. Agency for International Development , Feed the Future draws on 10 total US federal agencies to contribute to global food security work .

  12. 好极了咱们越来越近了这将是史无前例的邪恶行动看好了史无前例家我刚才突然灵光一闪本兔子有办法了

    Excellent . We 're closing in . This is a groundbreaking evil behavior , people . Groundbreaking . Light pop just now from my brain . The bunny has an idea .

  13. 肯塔基州路易斯维尔市将向黑人女性布伦娜·泰勒的家人支付1200万美元,今年3月,警方在拙劣的突袭行动中闯入泰勒家并开枪致其死亡。

    The city of Louisville , Kentucky , will pay 12 million U.S. dollars to the family of Breonna Taylor , a Black woman shot dead by police in a botched raid on her apartment in March .

  14. 也许你立刻要采取的行动,要对家作出贡献,是家庭朝着稳定的方向发展,要解决困难,尝试着去找工作还要在一定程度上填补家庭中的真空。

    Maybe this is what you 're supposed to do right now , be home and try to contribute , add some stability , help out , try to get a job and sort of fill the vacuum .

  15. 西方外交官及业内人士称,空客就招投标过程对日本防卫省采取法律行动,是这家欧洲航空航天集团正在考虑的“几种可能申诉方式之一”。

    Legal action by Airbus against Japan 's defence ministry over the tender process is described by western diplomats and industry insiders as " one of several possible avenues of complaint " being considered by the European aerospace group .

  16. 瑞士当局就国际足联贪腐丑闻展开新一轮逮捕行动,拘留了住在苏黎世一家酒店的一些国际足联官员。今年5月的第一轮逮捕行动也是在这家酒店进行的。

    Swiss authorities have made a new round of arrests in the FIFA corruption scandal , detaining a group of FIFA officials at the same Zurich hotel where the first round of arrests took place in May .