
  • 网络pena;PEINER
  1. 当艾尔维斯·普莱斯利公司听说佩纳是一个歌迷时,它送了各种礼物到智利,包括照片、DVD、CD、一本书和太阳镜。

    When Elvis Presley Enterprises heard Pena was a fan , it sent various gifts to Chile , including a picture , DVDs , CDs , a book and sunglasses .

  2. 佩纳将游览豪宅和埃尔维斯的坟墓,并将参观街对面的展览。

    Pena will get a private tour of the mansion and Elvis'grave , and will visit the exhibits across the street .

  3. 同普乌卡欧库瀑布一样,你若想一窥欧罗尤佩纳的芳容,除乘船或坐飞机观赏外,别无他法。

    like Pu'uka'oku Falls , it is only accessible by air or sea .

  4. 结果表明:若材料中的位错具有顺磁性,佩纳力的值比无磁场时的值减少,位错更容易运动,材料塑性增强。

    The result shows that , in the presence of an external magnetic field , the Peierls-Nabarro force decreases for paramagnetic dislocations .

  5. 佩纳将在周四抵达纽约,在官员邀请他之后,参加星期日举行的纽约市的马拉松比赛。

    Pena is set to arrive in New York on Thursday to attend Sunday 's New York City Marathon after officials invited him .

  6. 世界第四高的欧罗尤佩纳瀑布,是此份榜单上第二条位于夏威夷莫洛凯岛上的瀑布。

    The fourth-highest waterfall in the world , Olo'upena Falls , is the second waterfall on our list found on the remote Hawaiian island of Moloka'i.

  7. 星期三,艾尔维斯·普莱斯利公司说,佩纳接受了到优雅园的邀请,定于1月6日到1月9日,恰逢埃尔维斯生日的1935年1月8日。

    On Wednesday , Elvis Presley Enterprises said Pena accepted an invitation to Graceland , set for Jan.6 to Jan.9 , which coincides with the anniversary of Elvis 's birthday on Jan.8,1935 .

  8. 都市研究所鲁迪•佩纳其实即使在经济不景气的情况下,伊拉克战争的开支所占国内生产总值的比重跟越南战争和朝鲜战争相比也是非常小的。

    RUDY PENNER , URBAN INSTITUTE The cost of the war is really , even in the bad scenarios , is likely to be very much lower , relative to GDP , than either Vietnam or Korea .

  9. 佩纳宫位于葡萄牙境内,矗立在里斯本近郊的辛特拉镇上的一座小山上,是受到欧洲浪漫主义启发而建的最古老的宫殿,风和日丽时,能从里斯本清晰地看到它。

    The oldest palace inspired by European Romanticism , the Pena National Palace in Portugal stands on the top of a hill above the town of Sintra , and on a clear day it can be easily seen from Lisbon .

  10. 落差高达2953英尺(即900米)的欧罗尤佩纳瀑布层层叠叠,细如丝带的水流从同为普乌卡欧库瀑布发源地的世界最高海滨悬崖——卡劳帕帕崖飞流直下。

    At 2953 feet ( 900 meters ) , Olo'upena Falls is a tiered , ribbon-thin stream plunging over the side of one of the world 's tallest seaside cliffs , Haloku Cliffs -- the same cliffs that Pu'uka'oku Falls originate from .

  11. 佩纳宫始建于15世纪,经改造后被捐赠给教堂作修道院,并在1755年的一场地震中化为废墟,直到1838年,费迪南德王子开始将其重建成宫殿。

    First built in the 15th century as a palace , it was later reconstructed and donated to the church as a monastery . An earthquake in 1755 ruined most of it , until Prince Fernando acquired it in 1838 rebuilt it .