
  • 网络penny;Petunia
  1. 盖尔克奇和库柯告诉DigitalSpy,他们相信佩妮和莱纳德最终肯定会在一起的。

    Galecki and Cuoco previously told Digital Spy that they believe Penny and Leonard will ultimately end up together .

  2. 佩妮:没用的扎克连NPR的全称都拼不出来。

    Penny : Wouldn 't help . Zack can 't even spell NPR .

  3. 但事实上,管理层完全可以将违规领导者造成的损失转变为积极的影响,休斯顿大学(theUniversityofHouston)工业与组织心理学教授丽莎•佩妮说。

    But managers can actually turn the loss of a rule-breaking leader into a positive , says Lisa Penney , a professor of industrial organizational psychology at the University of Houston .

  4. 当她带着《娱乐周刊》的AdamB.Vary参观《生活大爆炸》的衣橱时,奎格利给了我们关于佩妮、艾米和伯纳黛特的鲜明风格的内幕消息。

    Quigley gave us the inside scoop on the signature styles of Penny , Amy and Bernadette when she took EW 's own Adam B. Vary on a guided tour of the Big Bang wardrobe closet .

  5. 李曾为维吉尼亚·伍尔夫(VirginiaWoolf)、薇拉·卡特(WillaCather)与伊迪丝·沃顿(EdithWharton)写过精彩的传记,这一次亦出色地捕捉了难以捉摸、另辟蹊径的英国小说家与传记作家佩妮洛普·菲茨杰拉德的人生与时代。

    The life and times of that elusive , original miracle worker , the English novelist and biographer Penelope Fitzgerald , have been brilliantly captured by Lee , previously the author of masterly portraits of Virginia Woolf , Willa Cather and Edith Wharton .

  6. 佩妮:天哪,谢尔顿和艾米。

    Penny : Oh , my God ! Sheldon and Amy .

  7. 佩妮,你和莱纳德讨论过葬礼的安排吗?

    Penny , did you and Leonard ever discuss funeral arrangements ?

  8. 佩妮:没什么,我们去派对吧!

    Penny : Nothing . Let 's go to the party .

  9. 佩妮:好啦,干嘛要讨论这个?

    Penny : Okay , why are you arguing about this ?

  10. 弗农姨父一边开车,一边对佩妮姨妈抱怨。

    While he drove , Uncle Vernon complained to Aunt Petunia .

  11. 美丽的猪和女孩佩妮,他想。

    Pretty the pig and Penny the girl , he thought .

  12. 男子气概扎克:你好啊,佩妮,最近过得如何?

    Zack : Hey , Penny , how 's it going ?

  13. 佩妮:等等,控制论是有关机器人的,是吗?

    Penny : Wait . Cybernetics is robot stuff , right ?

  14. 这可让佩妮姨妈和哈利都无法承受。

    This was too much for both Aunt Petunia and Harry .

  15. 佩妮,新工作什么时候开始?

    So , Penny , when 's the new job start ?

  16. 艾米:没必要,佩妮跟我可亲近了!

    Amy : No need . Penny and I are very close .

  17. 佩妮,任何东西加上了蓝牙都会好很多。

    4 . Penny , everything is better with Bluetooth .

  18. 佩妮:慢着,亲爱的,你之前跑过吗?

    Penny : Wait . Honey , have you ever run before ?

  19. 佩妮:但今天是星期四,星期四是披萨之夜。

    Penny : But it 's Thursday . Thursday 's pizza night .

  20. 佩妮看起来快哭了。

    Penny looked as though she was about to cry .

  21. 雷纳德:你在佩妮那儿干嘛呢?

    Leonard : What were you doing at Penny 's ?

  22. 佩妮姨妈看起来像刚刚吞下了一只柠檬。

    Aunt Petunia looked as though she 'd just swallowed a lemon .

  23. 佩妮:能再具体点吗?

    Penny : Could you be a little more specific ? Sheldon :

  24. 谢尔顿:佩妮,放心,我没事。

    Sheldon : Penny , I assure you , I 'm fine .

  25. 他和他妻子佩妮阴沉地交换了一下眼色。

    He exchanged dark looks with his wife , Petunia .

  26. 佩妮,生活给了我又酸又苦的柠檬。

    Gee , Penny , life 's giving me lemons .

  27. 佩妮:你们管你们做试验,我管我做咯。

    Penny : You do your little experiments , I do mine .

  28. 问题2佩妮最喜欢的她的工作的哪一点?

    Question 2 . What does Penny like best about her job ?

  29. 佩妮高兴得眼泪直流,紧紧搂住儿子,

    Aunt Petunia burst into tears and hugged her son ,

  30. 佩妮:哦,我的天啊这太恐怖了!

    Penny : Oh , my God , that is so creepy !